Posts - No Smoking Day | HealthUnlocked

No Smoking Day

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All posts for October 2012

Day 10

Felt a bit wobbly this morning and thank god my Partner didn't leave any cigaret...

Last day on this board

Well I've made it through the weekend. The e cig made its debut on Saturday nigh...

29 days - feeling really miserable (not really)

Hello, day 29 for me so 1 day to go before I complete the calendar month. That t...
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A year and a bit....

Just got back from mostly sunny Turkey...hit my one year over there...definitely...

today is the first day of the new me

Well after a week of champix i feel ready to give up the cigs for good . Had my ...

I slept!!!!

...for the 1st time in 6 days (on 7th day now) I slept right through the night ....

OMG 3 wks already.

3 weeks today and I can hardly believe how fast I got here.Been really busy and ...

This time is serious

Hi all, I wanted to log in and post as I have just had my last cigarette, got so...

I'm Sorry

I'm sorry I'm sorry to my husband for choosing to ignore his plea's for me to st...

Day 1

Day 1 is only just starting but this Day 1 feels different to the other 8,756 I ...

Hot diggerdy dawg.Ahhh do beleive Ahh done it!

1 year today for me and it feels darn good. i never doubted myself for a minute,...

Proper drunk night out!

It's not the first time I've had alcohol since I quit but it's the first time I'...
Lulu_65 profile image
2 Years Smoke Free

Quit Day 1 .....second attempt

Hi everyone, day 1 again for me , was off the cigs for 9 weeks from june and sta...

Day 6!

A few wobbles but I'm feeling pretty good. Got out of bed for breakfast then got...

October 2010 Group-2 Year Quit Call

Hi All Just sat here thinking OMG almost 2 years for me since i had my last smo...

R.I.P. Smoking??

Is that what the sense of loss is? That smoking is dead for me? No idea. I was t...

Do you smoke?

Went for my flu jab yesterday and was absolutely delighted to be able to say,"No...

Choose your pain!

Option A: Withdrawal, which fades to grey anyway. Option B: Potentially protrac...

Missed it!!!

It was my six month anniversary on Monday 1st of October and I missed posting it...

Month three is a headache!

Hi Guys, can those of you who have passed the three months confirm if you went...

26 days

Yesireebob - 26 days going really well still. Stupidly happy and bursting with ...

I NEED a fag!!

God I'm craving so bad! Just spent ages arguing on the phone to CSA and then to...

My Reasons

I think there were lots of reasons that came to a head that led to me quitting. ...

I'm a bit blinkin' proud of myself......

Sailed through the first week.....second week has nearly killed me. Really strug...

Hi everyone

Hello everybody, First of all, I'd like to say thanks. I'm on Day 4 of quitting...

First weekend support thread

As I'm on this board over the weekend, might as well do one thread and not clog ...

the acid test!!

Well I am about to test my will and resolve to the max! Same weekend every year ...

6 days quit

hi all, alittle about myself, i am 37 year old male and tried quitting smoking a...

Day 9 - in freefall and could do with a hand here!

Giving up smoking has been one of the strangest experiences of my life ...I thin...

Oh My Days.... 91 in fact, goodbye Month 3, Helloooo Month 4!

Well Good Evening my forum friends, It's been some time since I posted on here...

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