Posts - No Smoking Day | HealthUnlocked

No Smoking Day

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All posts for June 2011

Day 14.

As Day 14 approaches,I look back over the last 12 posting days(I've posted every...

a recidivist

Hi, everyone, I'm a sort of a recidivist: being able not to smoke for a long tim...


oh dear I well and truley failed with my quit, and felt so bad that i didnt even...
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Back on the patches

Hi everyone I have decided to quit again. It was a kind of spare of the moment ...

3rd day doin okay

Hey all , well its my third day today and I havent been getting a lot of craving...

Day 8!! When does it get easier

Hey guys, Im on day 8 yay i started off brilliant first week was a walk in the p...

No Big fuss...

Hi All, if you are new or not this may in my 3rd week and with all du...

Day 12

Heya I just found this forum while looking for tips to beat the cravings of smo...

Day 16 Champix. 1 day off the tabs!

So yesterday was a bad day on the Champix! Well today is going quite well. I ha...

Day 3 and hello :)

Hi all, Today is day 3 for me in my quitting the evil that is smoking, and yes...

leaping into day 2!

oh it's so great to get into day two, feeling a bit spaced but very positive and...

Zen Ten!

Whoop! Well another day under the belt.... its getting quite snug this belt wit...

No more!!

Back to day four as I smoked last saturday :( i am using NRT from my weekly visi...

Now where is my trumpet? I need to blow it!

Bit of a special day for me today folks. I haven't had one puff of a cigarette f...

Day 1 on Champix

Oh wow after smoking since I was 13 years old I have now decided it is time to s...

got to get thru this (as beddingfield sang)

Morning campers, im still having a mare. had a smoke this morning and now feel b...

4 weeks and counting

Not had a poison stick for 4 weeks and 2 hours and feeling better every day:D. H...

We are freeking flying now my lovelys

congratulations to all my fellow quitters and all those who are coming up from b...

Day 13......douglas.j.

Well,another day(DAY12) done and dusted.This is a time I have seen members here ...

main reason for quit

Hi People :D my main reason for quitting, on the plus side, is being quit is goo...

Feeling down

Hey all its day two for me. I am really feeling down today I woke up and looked ...

29 days of freedom

Its so good to be not smoking. Saved so much money and feel so much healthier. T...

50 Days Done

Well, I never thought I would manage it, but i have 50 days of non smoking behin...

Nine is Fine!

Day 9!!! and all seems fine today... yesterday was tricky, but today seems bette...

still here

:D day 44 and still here,getting slightly better.i will do this;)

Well ain't i The failure?

Hello, I haven't been on here for a while but I have toatLly failed, I haven't r...

Day 15 Champix - Not going well

Hello Everyone, I am 25 yo, on day 15 of champix and finding it quite difficult...

still struggling, help

Hi all, am ashamed to say that i have now had about 6 roll ups in last 3 days! d...

Last Day Here - Moving On Up!

Last day on this level as I'm three weeks tomorrow so moving up to four week lev...

Plodding along

Morning all. Yesterday was not so good. I was thinking cigarettes on and off all...

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