Posts - No Smoking Day | HealthUnlocked

No Smoking Day

5,244 members32,491 posts

All posts for January 2010

10 Months Today!!

:D:D:D I really look forward to the 7th of each month when I can post another mo...

Week 1 - Done

I've not smoked for 7 days 7 minutes and 4 seconds I've not smoked 126 (ish) ci...

Day 4

day 4 made it, feel quite good???.Don,t know what the future hold, feel quite po...
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Calling all December quits

Who and where are all the December quits, am I the only one or are there more ou...

Still here - 119 days now...

I don't post much i know, but just wanted to check in to say i am still quit sin...

Novoquits into Month 3 Roll call

I've completely lost track of how many of us are left, so how about a headcount ...

4.5 whole days and feeling very proud

Hi all, Feeling great, strong and positive today after a really bad day yesterd...

Wow, day 4

Wow, I really can't believe it is day 4 already! I am feeling positive today de...

Tired, Tired, Tired!

I know all part of the quit process but I had a terrible evening last night nigh...

Day 5 = Stinking Cold

OK. I never get ill. I've had one day off sick in 5 years. And now I've decided ...

Last Day in Month 2 Forum... Who wants my seat?

Dear all, Well my toes and nose feel like they are going to drop off after I sk...


Hi everyone! Thought I would say hi and share my story. I quit cold turkey 18 d...

Side Effects of Champix

Hey there! I am what, two weeks off starting the third month of champix. My face...

evening/morning all

ive decided to start a new thread as im in week 3 now. Im not sure i know why i...

Still here and hanging tough

so that is me into my 6th month. No problems really - occasional low level crave...

day 6 & 1 of us 2 falling

end of day 6 and 1 of the 2 of us are falling, take a guess who? its me i have b...

completed 6 weeks

hey all just a quicky completed 6 weeks smoke free, not had much time come on h...

Day 6

well day 6 is nearly over but tonight is really hard. My first really strong cra...

Possibly a little too honest but it has been a difficult day...

I have to add 10 chars or more so here they are :P

day 2.

Hi guys....day2. didnt go as badly as i thought, havent really thought about smo...

SSSSHHHHH Don't tell anybody...

...but I may have possibly maybe definitely completed day 6! Will be a whole we...

These things are sent to try us...

I just popped to the post box to send off today's work post and there, lying on ...

Into month 5, maybe?

Ok, I know I have not been around much recently, the silly season keeps me sooo ...

Any books to suggest me?

Hi everyone! I have passed the 2 months obstacle and I'm running towards 3 month...

Day 4 and boy it is a hard one

Hi all Many thanks firstly to those that have me through the first few days and...


Just dropped in on Day Three of my CT quit. Feeling good, was ready to quit this...

Day 4 for me it's just different this time?

Hi Guys I expect most of you are busy building snowmen or having snowball fight...

Is it just me?

YAY-got to day 4 and still feel OK (thank God for the patches). However, I appea...

WOO HOO - day 6 and snow!

So I've made it to day 6 ...and it's snowing? ....WOW :eek: it must be my lucky ...

Day 3...........

Welcome to day 3 of my smoke free life. Woke up this morning and instead of thi...

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