Day 4 for me it's just different this time? - No Smoking Day

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Day 4 for me it's just different this time?

nsd_user663_5972 profile image
10 Replies

Hi Guys

I expect most of you are busy building snowmen or having snowball fights? Making snow angels are personal favourites!

Well day 4 for me today. Am I finding it difficult? Yes of course I am. There are times I am pacing, climbing the walls, biting firends & families heads not literally) off and times when I think just one. But we all know what happened to me when I had that just 1 last time, don't we!

I don't know this time seems different. My mindset is kind of I made the decision to smoke and now I've made the decision not to smoke at the end of the day no one is forcing me its my choice. I can either be miserable about it, make it a constant battle and feel sorry for myself or just get on with it.

Don't get me wrong I know there will be many, many ups and downs and there will be times when my willpower will be tested to the maximum (it is now) but I chose to do this and why should I let it get the better of me, why? I never been one to give in on things so why should this be any different?

Sorry guys for asking and answering my own questions. I have kinda just wrote what I am thinking. I think I was quite positive out the beginning of my last quit. It was kind of when the excitement that I quit smoking and I let my guard down that things went wrong.

So I am asking you if in a few weeks I am on this forum looking like I'm going to give in or being really pessemistic can someone remind me of this post. So I can remind myself that it is my choice and that I'm not the kind of person who gives up on things.

Thank you

Tinks xx

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nsd_user663_5972 profile image
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10 Replies
nsd_user663_5971 profile image

hey Tinks

I liked your post - youre spot on in that we made a concious decision to smoke (and for some, that caused considerable pain at the time) and now you're making an alternative decision. After all, you can actually smoke any time you want to - no-one is actually stopping you, but isn't the feeling that you are making the decision really good?

You sound so determined now, and you've got experience of what that "just one" will do that I'm sure you'll stay smoke free.

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Tinks :D

Day 4 and a great post you have there i know you must be noticing a difference this time

I have noticed the difference in you already you sound better as if you truly believe you can do it

You didn't have that ring of confidence last time

The best way to remember this post and remind yourself if you get a rough day is to print it out even 2/3 copies and keep them by you maybe one in your bag and the others in a place you can easily see and refer to them as and when you need a little lift over a hump

Love and a Hug

Marg xx

nsd_user663_5972 profile image

Thanks Dave.

I suppose that another thing that really annoys be and makes me stick my heels in this time is that as a smoker people are dictated to- you can smoke here and smoke there but you can't smoke here. When I smoked I used to get quite annoyed about this but now I don't I think well yeah at the end of the day why should non smokers/ex smokers have to breathe in smokers smoke.

It's like that being non-smokers they feel they have this power over smokers and not smoking now makes me realise that they actually have in that their lives are not controlled by their next nicotine fix.

I am fed up of being dictated to and controlled so I just won't smoke at all.

Please note - I am not one of these reformed ex-smokers, they were my pet hates when I was a smoker!

Thanks again Dave - well done about coming of the champix!! Very proud


nsd_user663_5972 profile image

Thank you too Marg. Yep I know I can do this, this time - it won't be easy I know but I will do it. :)

Thank you for your support

Tinks xx

nsd_user663_7318 profile image

I've wanted to smoke for the past 2 days now, not needed to of craved for...just fancied it. It's a pain but as you've said I've decided I'm not doing it any more, I'm not missing out on anything so I'm generally managing to keep my mind focussed away from the empty tummy feeling.

My little Windows Ex-Smoker Gadget is great as I get a constant far 5 days 20 hours and 04 seconds. I've not smoked 105 cigarettes and have saved £31.40. What can be bad about any of that?

Walking is also helping as I'm noticing how clear my lungs feel. I've had a bunch of clots in my lungs over the past 2 years so have always been "chesty" - not out of breath...just tight. All gone now and I'm loving my new easy breath me!

It's amazing that since I stopped (I've given nothing up) people keep coming up with the shock tactics. The other day was I could shoot myself in both knees as that vs smoking had about the same mortality rate (not sure who figured that one out). My favorite was being told so do the car/hosepipe thing if I wanted to start again. It kills you much quicker and removes the likelihood of cancer.

nsd_user663_7359 profile image

Thanks Dave.

I suppose that another thing that really annoys be and makes me stick my heels in this time is that as a smoker people are dictated to- you can smoke here and smoke there but you can't smoke here. When I smoked I used to get quite annoyed about this but now I don't I think well yeah at the end of the day why should non smokers/ex smokers have to breathe in smokers smoke.

It's like that being non-smokers they feel they have this power over smokers and not smoking now makes me realise that they actually have in that their lives are not controlled by their next nicotine fix.

I am fed up of being dictated to and controlled so I just won't smoke at all.

Please note - I am not one of these reformed ex-smokers, they were my pet hates when I was a smoker!

Thanks again Dave - well done about coming of the champix!! Very proud


Tink I know exactly what you mean. I'm digging my heels in because I'm so determined to get rid of the 'panics'-by that I mean the feeling you have when you realise you've forgotten your fags. Or your purse. Or both if you're really unlucky! Or the panic about sitting through a film at the cinema, or a train journey or flight. Or when you've only got a couple of ciggies left but can't get more for a few hours and you're working out when to smoke them and counting the hours (if that makes sense). NEVER AGAIN WILL WE HAVE THE CIGGY PANICS!!!! :):):):)

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Hello my lovely

I think you are doing a sterling job but I will not lie to you as this quit business is bloody hard and it takes utter determination and support from people who know what you are going through.

You have both of these my love, and that's why I will be decorating your room in the penthouse!!:D

nsd_user663_5972 profile image

Thanks Christine - thank you xx

Emily - how did you get on at the pharmacy thing - sorry couldn't remember the time you had to go.

nsd_user663_7359 profile image

I'm away there at half 2 my lovely so leaving in a minute. What should be a 5 minute walk will take twice that due to the ruddy snow!! :)

nsd_user663_7359 profile image


Well, I went to the clinic and it was actually a friend of mine who took the session so that's a result. I'm even more determined to succeed now to make her proud!! I had no carbon monoxide in my system (YAY) and I've got another weeks worth of patches at prescription price. All in all, a fab 30 minutes!!

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