Posts - No Smoking Day | HealthUnlocked

No Smoking Day

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All posts for December 2009

day 8 and feeling like ive never smoked before

wow...ive never ever felt like this before on day 8. Feels like im never ever sm...

my countdown to the penthouse

Only ten more days... its gone so fast, can't believe I've not smoked for that l...

Moo Blummin Moo!!!!!!!

27 Days later..... Hmmm, rather interesting journey this in all honesty. I've d...
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Good on you - hang in there

Hang in there. You will get over the cravings very soon. Bear them out. I star...

day 10 addictions

hey all got to day 10 and going strong easier than last week phwww.. feel rea...

Anyon tend to feel overwhelmed?

Hello all. Hope all is well with you. I wonder if any of you out there have ex...

3 Months now :)

Hi there, I do apologise for not posting for a while, everything has been great...

Day 24 and first Xmas party done and dusted

Hey guys, Day 24 :) I managed to get through the works Xmas Party last night w...

Day 19,

Last night i went out drinking and in the club my mates said "lets go out for a ...

Welcome Duckling

.....and 2 months completed for Duckling today Congratulations Ducks and keep a...

50 Days for Pol

Congrats Pol, well done on getting to 50 days, have you got a quit counter, chec...

Day 8 Of No Smoking!!!

Hi. I have just registered here. I have given up smoking for 8 days now. I we...


I have to say it... never have i had such bad indigestion and heartburn! :mad:

Week 3

Hi all, hope you are well. Someone told me that I should get a boost of energy s...

Where are you all??? Day 28 :D

Afternoon folks.... Get Threading and Posting!!! I'm 4 weeks today! Yipeeeeeeee...

1st Xmas drink without a ciggie

Hello all Well at 3 months and 3 days I had my first Xmas drinks (bit early I k...
Atomicguy profile image

This is my 3rd day....

without chocolate! Anyone got any tips to stop the cravings? Bearing in mind I ...

8 did that happen?

Happy Friday 8 weeks completed yesterday....where did the time go. So busy moa...

Day 18 Tomorrow

I just wanted to thank everyone on here for your continued support. This site i...

just joined week 2 wwooooo feel good

hey all week 2 people... how you doing? Almost wasnt here an hour ago. had ...

Quits - How many?

I've been a bit of a geek today with the whole quit smoking thing, and I read th...

Why is this happening

OMG i have been feeling really mardy lately and i just seem to have the hump ove...

week 3 day 17

Well, feeling pretty good at the moment. I'm up and down though, had a rotten mo...

The climb to conquer week 1... do do DOOO!

Day 4 :p feeling super... lookin spotty... seeming fatter... but got new hair a...

Ding Dong Day 27

Morning all, Well here at work we got our priorities straight this morning and ...

It Hurts.............

Come on ya bastards give me all you got cos i aint going back, so you might as w...

Welcome to Month 5 Bradders :)

Bradders, You are I believe now in your 5th month now fella!!! (as of 3rd of De...

A golden oldeee returns

Hiya gang x How is everyone these days?? I'm still quit ( which is no suprise a...

I'd just like to say....

..That you lot are jolly fab!!!! :D Biiiiig Huuuugggggssss xxxxx

nagging feeling

Somehow, after requitting for the umpteenth time, in my quit, smoke a bit quit a...

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