Posts - No Smoking Day | HealthUnlocked

No Smoking Day

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All posts for December 2009

Mods and the NHS

A question for the mods, as this is a charitable organisation run by voluntary a...


I just relapsed... I had a few drags... I have had a hideous week and just got ...

Day 6 and feeling great!!

Day 6 for me today so im back at the clinic tomorrow to collect my next stint of...
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Here we go again

Hi folks, Third attempt of the year for me, went cold turkey in January for thr...

The thought that counts...

Did a totally random thing today... Theres a lady at work who since i've quit s...

8 weeks and giving up the miracle drug

I hope it isn't a big mistake and I am cautious but I have been forgetting my ch...

Three weeks to go

Hello Every one, I am nearly there in 21 days I will reach one year as a non ...

day 22

Starting 4th week. As Ive mentioned before this is about my fifth time of giving...


Hellooooo, I'm Happily bouncing, and i've boinged into Month 2.... yippee!!! I...

Knock Knock, anyone home?

Anyone here?? Or are they asleep, I am now on day 21. I have Jelly beans by the...

11 weeks and finding it really hard now

Hello everyone, I am new here, I found the site by looking for some inspiration...

day 12

hey all week 2 friends. doing well, was at a conferance today and a friend went...

Thats it, im finally stopping!

Hi guys I was just browsing the web looking at anti smoking things to help me w...

5 weeks!

And no pangs. I am also champix free! TO be honest, I stop taking the Champix ...

Long term quitters - what's your Dr's views?

Hello Oh, bit plush up here .......... *distracted look around* ;) This weeken...

No more night watch

I realised last night I hadn't seen a fox, badger or frog for ages. It was one ...

How is it?

there is no December group yet? Don't we have any December quitters? I'm only ...

I've made someone very happy

I had a check-up with my GP's stop smoking clinic today, so I bounced along and ...


Hi All, Feeling much better, am on day 28 now, and a whole calender month tomo...

...and i'm on week 2! GET IN!!

Well thats something i didnt think would happen... Here i am, on week 2... nicel...

I'm joining you for Month 3 now

Hello everyone I reached my 2 months of not smoking on Saturday, so feeling tha...

Christmas Wrapping

Thats been my trigger this weekend. I always thought I enjoyed wrapping gifts. I...

Day 11!

Hi guys! it's day eleven smoke free for me now...I haven't been on a for a littl...

Going it alone - patch-free and happy!

Hi everyone! I've been completely cold turkey now since Friday night - and it s...

More Evil Triggers

well here I am approaching month nine tomorrow and what a weekend it has been. I...

106 days...

I'm pumped I've made it this far however more recently I'm getting some pretty b...

Bad weekend- serious triggers!

Hey people, well, it's been a doozy of a weekend. If ever there was a smoking tr...

Hi to you all

How are all you oct quitters doing? i havent been on for a few days as i have b...

Day 19

:) And all going well, las night was my biggest worry as we had a party at our h...

1 more day and I am onto Month 1

:DHi Everyone! I haven't been on here for about a week but just wanted to let yo...

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