Posts - No Smoking Day | HealthUnlocked

No Smoking Day

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All posts for January 2008

got over the 72 hours! Yipee

Well I made it, got over the first 72 hours. wayhey. To be honest it was a night...

Day 2

just got out of bed after doing a night shift.Slept really well, normal have tro...

I scored a 1

At the smoking clinic. My carbon monoxide level was a 1 yippeeeee and i was to...
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This is my day 7. It has been a breeze so far, but now i am in a lot of pain, m...

Day 2 On Chantix - Wow!

I did feel a little odd on the first day - cloudy, tired, etc. and I was bracin...

Start of week 3

My first day of week 3,for the first couple of days of the quit i thought this d...

So are we in 1 month room then.

I am confused again. Its week 4 so does that mean we are in here now??:confuse...

Day23 Roll Call

All the new year quitters should be in Day 22 today (or is it day 23 i get confu...

feeling sorry for myself

Had a bad couple of days, Its my mothers memorial tomorrow and im realy having a...

Day 4

Well im on day 4 and its hard at times , oh how i wish i never started again !!!...

Day 24

What can i say it's getting better each day now I can see light at the end of th...

Day 16 and still winning

Title says it all really :) I noticed this morning that my sense of smell is i...

I caved!!!

Sorry guys! I'm an idiot! I don't know what happened. Well I do. My plane wa...

Still going strong !!!

I am still going strong, I can't believe it. I have not given in - thanks for th...

Bed time

Is it bed time yet!?! Dont know whether its the champix or i'm just wishing my d...

DAY 1 for me

First day on Champix, feel ok , just a bit fuzzy headed, smoked a couple of cigs...

Must stay strong!

Was actually quite tough today being back at work ( they`re not exactly encourag...

Day 2

Hi all made it to day 2 has been quite easy no bad cravings,i should be on 4 wee...

week 2 - the hardest?????

aaaaaah. have been and bought cigs today. i haven't had one (luckily) but was so...

champix - day 3

Well been to doctors today for my tablets. When I first joined I was 35 & now I'...

First Day On Chantix

Today is my official first day and I just took my first tab of Chantix - I canno...

One for Lorraine

Have a look when the urge is too much to bare!!

Hi all, I have noticed alot of people posting profound things on this forum lat...

14th day

Does anybody's mouth feel like they have been sucking on a north sea kipper catc...

Finding Week 2 alot harder than Week 1

Hey all, Well after trying to give up using patches, gum, lozenges and Zyban (...

Photos Me & Him

Hi all As you will see I am not him, I am not spam. I don't know what more proof...

When is a mate not a mate?

OH and I went over to Birmingham on the train Saturday night to meet up with fri...

Day 23

Well here i am still going strong, still got that bad chest :mad:

Start of Day 3

well i've got to day 3. Determind to get past it. Got docs today for my smoking ...

*RAWR*! Day 15

Hi everyone!! I made it through another weekend and im not onto the start of we...

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