Posts - Thyroid UK | HealthUnlocked

Thyroid UK

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All posts for September 2017

Supplement advice please

Taking vitamin D 800iu and ferrous fumarate since 2013 when should levels be ris...
Khlo3 profile image

Vitamin and mineral results

Hi since age 19 (now 32) I have been having symptoms of hair loss, feeling cold,...
Sammi_T profile image


Hi I am new to this site. Since age 19 (now 32) I have been having symptoms of h...
Sammi_T profile image
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Hair Loss

Hello I am new to this site but was wondering if anyone could give me some advic...

Private endos in Scotland?

Hi there everyone. Has any of you any experience or advice on private endos in S...
littlemo76 profile image

Test Results

Hi first test results back today since April 2017 total thyroidectomy. Serum TS...
Mermaid49 profile image

Newbie do I have Hashimotos

TPOab >1300 (<34) TGab 258.3 (<115) TSH 33.9 (0.27 - 4.20) yes 33.9! Free T4 10....
Khlo3 profile image

What should I ask?

I've been diagnosed hypo since April. I'm on 100mg of Levo. At my first follow...
MotwCoop profile image


Hi after being refused levothyroxine by my endo I have seen a GP who has restart...
Elizalee profile image

14 year old hashimotos

Hello my daughter looks like she has hashimotos thyroiditis but the sick kids sa...
Hidden profile image

Are these results indicative of an underactive thyroid?

Asking for my friend who's symptoms sound suspiciously like mine were when I was...
Syd35 profile image

Battling to get diagnosed

Hi has anyone on here suffered regular breathlessness - feeling like being squas...
Peaches71 profile image

I'm looking for . . .

The website for T3 online in Cyprus please; can you help me. I have full instruc...
Ma66ie profile image

Hashimotos and Pernacious Anemia

Hi Everyone I have an appointment with a Chronic Fatigue specialist next week af...
savery8753 profile image

i'm new & have many questions please!

Hi everyone, not sure how this forum works so please bear with me and let me kno...
tiredBFmum profile image

Body temp

Not sure how much stock to put in this, but my body temp is around the 35 C mark...

Does taking Levothyroxine make you feel ill?

I was diagnosed last year with underactive thyoid,prior to this,i didn't feel we...

Side effects!?

So how long does it take for side effects to appear once starting a new brand of...

Bad science misled millions with chronic fatigue syndrome. Here’s how we fought back...

Have you heard of PACE approach to treating CFS and ME?
Kitten1978 profile image

Thyroid texts yes and no

Has anyone else had texts where it came back underactive then normal then undera...
cathy1110 profile image

Thyroid text

Hi i had text for thyroid. It came back underactive.then had a text couple month...
cathy1110 profile image

T3 with WP throid

Hi Everyone, I have not posted for a while because things have settled down for ...
acunatang profile image

Source of HC That Ships To Spain

Does anyone know a source for hydrocortisone that ships to Spain? Please PM me....
rosetrees profile image

Paratyhroid test.

Hi there - could someone please tell me if my result for the above is okay - it ...
xeena profile image

Metformin - how long should it take to work?

I have been prescribed 750mg morning and night To treat insulin resistance and...
dannyboy86 profile image

Endo appointment today, wish me luck!!

So after all the hassle I had with the appointment at the Liverpool Royal (could...
Emyloulou profile image

Gluten free evidence?

Hi I've read lots of posts that suggest those with hashi's should go gluten free...
Greenwall profile image

Ordering t3 online

Hi I was wondering if anyone can tell me where to order t3 online I tried 1 comp...
jax2005 profile image

Please help with Thyroid results

Hello, I'm new to this site. I had my Thyroid levels checked through a company o...
Ariesehw1943 profile image

Blood tests for Hypothyroidism

Hi all, Really cannot understand my doctor when I go for blood tests as all the...
19mags66 profile image