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Thyroid UK

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All posts for September 2017

When's best to have a thyroid blood test? Doctor says whenever?

Everyone I've spoken to about when's best for a thyroid blood test say first in ...
Lisa27b profile image

Good endocrinologists in London

Hi, I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's last year. I have been on 75mg of Levothyro...
paulo001 profile image

T4 verses T3

Hi I was recently diagnosed with Hashimotos and stated on levo and got upto 75mg...
Leyla123 profile image
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natural remedies during perimenopause?

Has anyone found an effective remedy for premenopausal problems such as excessiv...
Hidden profile image

Antibodies etc

H I am 18 years old and I have been refused levothyroxine by my endo, he has sai...
Elizalee profile image

change of meds liquid to tablets

was doing semi ok on the liquid, was on 7ml when endo stopped me taking it so wa...
mandy72 profile image

Clearer head x

Started last week on 75mcg up from 50mcg feeling bit more awake but know probabl...
Hidden profile image

Hyperthyroid blood results

Hi everyone,, Just wanted to share my results in case there's anything my GP is...
Miralise profile image

Diagnosed with M.E 10 years ago, here are my thyroid results... Help!

Im new here so will try and give you a brief overview of the last 10 years. I wa...
CharlieHJ profile image

Newbie here. Please can I have some advice?

Hi all I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism when I was five and am currently on 1...
Cgee1980 profile image

Refused levothyroxine

Hi I am a new member. I am 18 years old and I have been refused levothyroxine by...
Elizalee profile image

Vitamin and minerals

Hi I have got ulcers under my tongue, joint pain, numbness in feet and legs, dry...
Sashal profile image

Advice please 😊

Afternoon all, I'm sorry it's a long one lol Towards the end of august this year...
Rach0311 profile image

Derealisation / dissociation disorder

Hi guys, So my journey started May 2016 I lost my mother aged 28. After mont...
wowserclo profile image

T3, ivf and others

Hi, I've recently seen a private endocrinologist about my hypothyroidism and wha...
Sodo profile image

Latest results Disappointing

Hi - Not been on in a while but just had latest bloods back ... T4 13.0 ( 12.0...
cazza1001 profile image

comments/ advice on gp advice to me re thyroid meds

Saw my GP today (who has been nothing but supportive so far) and we are working ...
stewartleak profile image

T3 availability

Hi am a new person and have tried to find a source to obtain T3 outside of the u...
Shaza16 profile image

Have you heard what is going in France?

Hello everyone. I have lived in England for nearly 20 years and have been on Thy...
mumuetche profile image

thyroid meeting

so excited. at last there is a thyroid meeting with dr toft as a speaker about ...
thyroidnodules profile image

Symposium this Saturday

I know that many of you are concerned about Lyme Disease and your thyroid functi...
janeb15 profile image

Visit to Endo coming up - how to prepare

Hi all I have I my first visit to an NHS Endo mid-October, and I'm wondering if ...

T3 Suppliers

Good morning folks. My Turkish supplier of T3 seems to have gone AWOL. Could so...
wilso profile image


Hi new member not diagnosed what are results please thanks TPO ANTIBODY 256.3 (<...
Sashal profile image

childs blood results any ideas

My child suddenly put on loads of weight about 2 years ago. He has had achy legs...
Hidden profile image

Digest and vanish

There is a post about a Moderator badge in the Daily Digest but the ability to r...
Treepie profile image

Thyroid function and iron levels

Hello, i would be very grateful for advice please. For thyroid function and iron...
Sidtrivett profile image

Serum v Active B12 results?

Hi my last test showed Active B12 rather than serum please could you tell me wha...
Newhyp1 profile image

Help interpreting Cortisol Results?

I have Hashimoto's (Hypothyroidism as a result) and Coeliac Disease. I take bot...
Pamela0106 profile image

List of Endos in London willing to treat patient not just blood test results.

Hi All, I'm looking to find a list of Endos/Thyroid specialists in London that ...
Emily_Nukem profile image