Not sure how much stock to put in this, but my body temp is around the 35 C mark the last couple of days and I am feeling the cold more. I'm on 2 1/2 grains at the moment and have been for around 5 weeks. I'm testing again on Tuesday to see where I'm at anyway, but I am just curious if this could indicate I'm under medicated? Or is the whole body temp thing just nonsense?
Body temp: Not sure how much stock to put in this... - Thyroid UK
Body temp

Low temperature is not a measure of undermedication. Some hypothyroid patients find temperature never recovers to 'normal' range even when optimally dosed.
That's really interesting because from what I have read we are always told the low temperature is a sign of hypothyroidism. Further, to take our basal temperature when we are adjusting thyroid meds.
Clutter can you elaborate more. Thank you
Yes, I think it would be more helpful if people elaborated.
Low temperature is one sign of hypothyroidism and used to be one of the clinical symptoms used to diagnose hypothyroidism before TSH, FT4 and FT3 tests were invented. As I said, low temperature doesn't always recover even when optimally dosed.
Advice to check basal temperature when adjusting thyroid meds is because a sudden spike in temperature can indicate over medication. It can also indicate a fever, of course.
This info may be of help.
Interesting link - but I disagree with this :
If Cytomel is used, it is efficient to approximate the physiological rate of T3 formation, by nibbling one (10 to 25 mcg) tablet during the day. When a large amount is taken at one time, the liver is likely to convert much of it to the inactive reverse T3 form, in a normal defensive response.
The body can't convert T3 to reverse T3. The raw material for reverse T3 is T4.
Edit : Just noticed this is corrected in the comments.
You are right. Here is a discussion on the subj. that may interest you😊