I am new to this site but was wondering if anyone could give me some advice.
When I was 17 Years old I started collapsing on a regular basis. At first I wasn't out for very long but as the months went on I started taking longer to come out of them, sometimes being out cold for 10-15 minutes at a time. I was going to the doctor practically weekly where they were taking blood tests that they said were 'normal'.
It was well over a year of this going on when one evening, my mum watched a documentary about 'goitre's' and we realised my neck was quite swollen so we asked the doctor if this could be causing me to collapse. They tested my thyroid and realised this was the case and when I was 19 I was sent to Liverpool to have radioactive iodine.
Unfortunately this destroyed my thyroid completely and I went onto 250mg Levothyroxine. After blood tests this was reduced to 175mg which I was on for about 10 years. I have had regular routine blood tests throughout the years but about a year ago the doctor called me out of the blue and advised me to reduce my pills again to 150mg which is what I am currently on.
Throughout the last 16 years of this treatment my hair has been falling out but more recently it looks noticeably worst because it has become so thin and wispy. It has become much drier recently, particularly at the ends. My skin is also quite dry too but I don't have any skin problems and I believe I am aging quicker than my friends. I wash my hair once a week because when I wash it its so dry and also I lose clumps of hair in the shower. I am 5"4, a healthy 9 stone. I eat 2,500 calories a day. I go to the gym 3 times a week. I walk regularly and I eat a very healthy diet which includes 5-9 portions of fruit and veg a day. I have tried everything from coconut oil to sulphate free shampoos. Nothing helps. I have been trying for a baby for the last year unsuccessfully and I am sure that although all my tests have come back positively that there is a problem. I recently read that levothyroxine can cause hair loss. Could this be the problem, Perhaps I should switch to a different medication? I then thought maybe kelp would help as surely an iodine rich diet is better than taking pills. I am at a loss as to what to do and the doctors are unhelpful they just say that all my tests are fine but why then is my hair falling out more and more rapidly. Please help...