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Thyroid UK

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All posts for July 2013

does anyone that has an underactive thyroid experience any problems with their upper back and neck,i have pain and stiffness in both.

i was diagnosed with an underactive thyroid in november 2006,i'm now on an alter...
nightowl46 profile image

Totally fat, fatigued and fed up!!

Well I continue putting weight on despite lots of exercise (average burn around ...
Hidden profile image

had log in problems but the op is complete!

so as a few of you know I had to have an operation to have my thyroid removed as...
jalestar profile image
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Sore Feet & Tiredness

I have plantar facitus and my feet are so sore I don't know how I manage to stan...
mummytina profile image

Does anyone know how to view all your activity, not just one page worth?

I've found the activity page by clicking on "View Your Public Profile" (took me ...
Hidden profile image

Got third thyroid result: 1st result 6.1, 2nd result 6 weeks later 5.5 and latest 6 wks later is 7.3.

Phoned the receptionist for result and she said there was a prescription - they ...
Roz123 profile image

Paleo Deit

I'd like to try the paleo diet,but I'm vegetarian.Does anyone know a good site o...
beaton profile image

can anyone help me with my results its just so confusing.

tsh 5.73 (0.27-4.2) free t4 11.5 (10-21) thyroid peroxidase antibody level - po...
pursey profile image

How do I find my previous posts

pottyrai profile image


After a couple of weeks after my allergic reaction or whatever it was i feel qui...
anuska profile image

If we don't laugh we'd cry!! lol.

just been chattering away and had some great advice and was thinking IF WE DONT ...
sazzles6 profile image

Can anyone enlighten me please , why do I have pain, tightness and pinching to my thyroid gland area, does this mean

I definitely have a thyroid condition ?
Hidden profile image

Exercise is recommended but walking for a half hour leaves me spent out taking days to recover. How can I surmount this problem ?

Most times I just do not want to get out of bed. I am only on 25mcg Eltroxin fo...
Petrosky profile image

Feedback on bloods please

TSH 0.17 (0.35-5.0) B12 327 (130-800) Serum folate 7.7 (4-20) Serum ferritin 90 ...
Bears010 profile image


Hi can someone point me in the directions of the blogs someone has written pleas...
kimbo profile image

What to do next?? more of a relationship with surgery receptionist than G.P!! Latest bloods results.

Ok so my second set of blood results came back last week my TSH is 4.13(0.35-5) ...
sazzles6 profile image

Can we demand to see an Endo?

I have Hasimotos and I am on 75mg of Levothyroxine. My Question is can I demand ...
arjs profile image

just got latest bloods back from gp and now also have parathyroid problems pth serum 103.68 ng/ blood cells enlarged

b12 within range. has anyone else had these problems? having needle biopsy fri ...
Hidden profile image

Is Natural dessicated thyroid weaker than levo

I know that seems like a daft question but what I cannot get my head round is th...
lizzie1 profile image

I have been on 150 levo since being diagnosed 25yrs ago . I have now been reduced to 125 why would that happen after all these years? I am65

jancoe profile image

Latest test results - help please

I know that I should understand these things better by now but I am still confus...
France1 profile image

Hypothyroid tantrums with real ants in the pants, fuss from Eastern Europe

This morning I slowly awoke in a delightful haze, with the sun streaming in thr...
MaryF profile image

One extreme to another - high dose T3

Why do so many people here when they try T3 start on such high doses then wonder...

Results of Survey by Primary Care Commissioning (PCC) and People Matters Network

The survey by Primary Care Commissioning (PCC) and People Matters Network found ...
lynmynott profile image

Survey on Impact of NHS Constitution

The Department of Health are interested in finding out from you which of the rig...
lynmynott profile image

Does propranolol hydrochloride make your eyesight blurred/fail?

My eyesight is really blurred after starting these, does anyone know if it is th...
lynx profile image

Has anybody seen an Endo at Whiston Hospital (St Helens)? I have a referral at last!!! Thanks

At last I have persuaded my GP to refer me, although she did warn me not to get ...
JennyC2 profile image

Anyone in Cyprus who could pm me with info on slimming/meal replacement stuff you get in Cyprus.

Going self catering and would need to purchase when I get there, but dont want t...
lynx profile image

Feeling much better thanks to this site, I can't thank you lovely, sharing members enough

I'm walking around pinching myself, I can't believe I feel nearly normal again. ...
muirfoot107 profile image

Is there any way around the hoarseness and voice loss brought on by Hypothyroidism. I struggle with this badly.

Petrosky profile image