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Thyroid UK

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All posts for November 2021

Hi any advice for my newest results ?

T4 level < 3.0 pmol/L TSH level 97
Health-care profile image

Advice would be greatly appreciated

Hi, I’m new here. I was just after some advice if possible please. I had a tota...
Hunter1983 profile image

Post Natal Depression or Post Partum Thyroiditis

In reviewing my own thyroid journey I realised that I was wrongly misdiagnosed w...
Delgor profile image
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Update: Fibromilaga

I just saw a rheumatologist. He diagnosed me with Fibromilaga. Said he hasnt rul...
jcarlton76 profile image

Endo says he knows Il be better on T3 but not going to give it???

Hi everyone, Just had a appointment with a endo, and when he asked how I felt, I...
redmoon profile image

Can anyone decipher my recent thyroid bloods please

I have hyperthyroidism and had my bloods taken recently post covid. My TSH is 1....
Daisy0909 profile image

Blood work results.

Good morning. I finally got all the results the endo asked me to bring with me ...
Hidden profile image

Can changing Levo brand make you go hyperthyroid even at the same dose?

I changed from Accord to Mercury Pharma Group Levothyroxine 2 weeks ago. I've ju...
alconcal profile image

Levothyroxine overmedicated?

Hi Everyone Just wondering could I be over medicated I started taking 100 mg in...
Aniba profile image

Thyroid results

carleighsmum profile image

Thyroid results

carleighsmum profile image

Thyroid results

Just got my results from a full thyroid panel if I upload all 3 images would som...
carleighsmum profile image

Gp wants me to start Carbimazole. No meds for five weeks still over range

I posted a couple of weeks ago about being over range. Since them hashis antibod...
Read58 profile image

Puzzled hashimoto or not unsupportive GP

Hello all I am hypo after 2 year fight GP relented and gave me levo 50mcg, perim...

Period problems / how to balance hormones?

Female 31. So as I am in this lovely process of trying to optimize my thyroid, ...

Full thyroid check done privately.

Recently had a full advanced thyroid check. Would appreciate any advice please. ...
Wendyrmn66 profile image

Can I choose which Covid booster to have and which should I choose?

I had Pfizer jabs. After the first, I had a sizeable lump at the injection site....
dizzy864 profile image

Hyperhyroidism since 2017

As many of you may have read my story, hyperhyroidism started from 2017 although...
Angel20 profile image

Fluctuating digestive sypmtoms

Hi everyone, I wanted to ask about digestive symptoms and hypothyroidism. They a...
owl87 profile image

Reassurance please if possible

A little background, I started on T3 as well as my levo in September, initially ...
Baggiesfan profile image

Which order should i take supplements?

Ive been diagnosed HYPO Im currently on 125/150 levothyroxine which take at nigh...
jonbon000 profile image

Sex hormones low (testosterone, shbg, Estradiol etc)

Hello everyone! I am writing to ask some questions about the sex hormones. I did...
roukounasGK profile image

My TSH level has gone from 1.52 - June 21 to 7.04 - 26/11/21. Should I be concerned?

Increased TSH
TinaZim profile image

Whats everyone’s opinion on this (long)

I started exercising 4 weeks ago after being taken out of the exercise arena aft...
Batty1 profile image

Migraines linked with Hypothyroid, and bad side effects from Levothyroxine?

Hi, I am 36 and not previously on any medications. Back in April 2021 I starte...
CJG85 profile image

Interpreting Blood test results for the layperson?

Hi, I'm new to this forum and was told it was very good by someone on Instagram....
TinaZim profile image

T3 required

Hi Wondering if someone could help me please? My current T3 supplier has said t...
SharanLall profile image

Thyroid Clinic

Please could anyone pm re Thyroid Clinic. Particularly re hashimotos, medicatio...
Susieibbo301 profile image

Liquid levothyroxine

Hi, Update just back from the dr's, asked about taking liquid levothyroxine wit...
Harlech profile image

I'm in a blooming Levothyroxine GP pickle again

Hi, I am having a right job with GP again, my t3 & t4 came back over range when...
Eoperez profile image