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Thyroid UK

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All posts for February 2022

Prednisolone use and fluctuating thyroid levels Hypo or Hyper

I am having symptoms of both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. They fluctuate...
pomeranion profile image

Blood results back. Ferritin low but haemoglobin normal. TSH slightly raised.

Hi, thank you for all your previous help when I first posted about how tired I ...
Redcar1993 profile image

Going to discuss investigation options with doctor tomorrow, need some ammo!

When I posted about my low ferritin without anaemia, I received some great advic...
Pastelart profile image
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Once you find your optimal level, does it remain the same?

I am taking NDT and I was feeling optimal when my FT3 was 4.4 (2.3-4.2 pg/mL). ...
Xheila profile image

Levels fine but still exhausted what can I say to the Endo?

I have an appointment with my endocrinologist this pm still feeling absolutely c...
HealthySam profile image

Sjögren's syndrome: a potential new aetiology of mild cobalamin deficiency

This paper identifies the possibility of Sjögren's syndrome affecting ability to...
helvella profile image

The Metabolic Treatment of Fibromyalgia by Dr Lowe

Morning! I was wondering if anyone on this forum has read this book? I have a fi...
Alanna012 profile image

New Doctors Report from Medichecks!

I have rewritten your report - Please accept my most sincere apologies I am not ...

What is this skin rash?

Hi All, I’ve had a rash that comes up around my eyes now again but it’s got a lo...
Sallyann674 profile image

Medichecks results

Good morning everyone These are my latest results from Medichecks from last week...
Starmen profile image

Gp Update!

So I’ve just spoken to the gp and I have to say it went better than I thought. F...

Best UK private blood tests

Hi everyone I need to get some bloods done privately to see how I am doing after...
Spangle15 profile image


My latest test results are attached. I’m feeling exhausted at the moment and won...
JBL312 profile image

Help understanding

I’ve got my new results today can someone help me understand it
TurkeY787 profile image

Help with results

Morning! Ok so I’ve been on T3 only for a couple of years now. I’ve gradually bu...
Murphysmum profile image

No replies since I posted my February, 22 blood test results

I think I posted my blood work results in the Correct forum. Slow dragon and few...
Suzi_ profile image

Still confused ...should I reduce/ stop T3 and just go back to higher T4 dose?

I have read so many articles/responses now and sometimes end up more confused t...
Catseyes235 profile image

Link between thyroid disease and restless legs/limbs. whoops sorry this is a duplicate post 🙄

Hello Thyroid comrades I am keen to find out whether there is a link between pe...
smilingjane profile image

Is it dangerous to TTC with a TSH of 0.24 and fT4 of 20?

Sorry, I have already posted this question, but I have ordered a medichecks test...
hashihol profile image

Iodine deficiency in pregnancy along a concentration gradient is associated with increased severity of preeclampsia in rural Eastern Cape

I'm sure everyone who has ever been involved with pregnancy has heard about the ...
helvella profile image

Out of control TSH

So much to tell so I’ll just throw some numbers out there and maybe someone else...
MsMagoo1970 profile image

Private Endocrinologist Advice!!

I’m looking to see if anyone has had any better care going private,I’m at the st...

March 2022 Liothyronine NHS Tariff Prices

The new NHS Drug Tariff for March 2022 is available. Prices are in pennies for 2...
helvella profile image

Newly diagnosed with hypothyroidism

Hello! I’ve been recently diagnosed with hypothyroidism. Initial TSH test in ear...
Sphynx11 profile image

Reply back from Medichecks

So after someone on here said I should complain to medi checks about the doctors...

Concerns about brand change of t4

Today I noticed the little white levothyroxine pill in my latest prescription do...
LaurieRose profile image

Thyroid and odema

Oedema and underactive thyroid has anyone experienced this please thanks
McGuire1 profile image

How accurate are results

Hi I am a newbie and found the information so far very helpful! I am due to spea...
Nutty56 profile image

New Endo Required?

My Endo has retired and looking for a new one. Has any one had any experience o...
Shufflebunnie profile image

Give up soya milk?

I have seen several posts here recently stating that Hashimoto's sufferers shoul...
Belgo-Brit profile image