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Thyroid UK

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All posts for December 2020

Still feeling rough - Hashimoto's and menopause

Hello fellow thyroid people and here's to a better 2021. Any thoughts on these ...
KikiLR profile image

Have you seen Hogmanay Fare Well from Edinbrough?

An amazing, beautiful and moving tribute to the end of the year. Three short vi...
GrowingVeg profile image

Tennyson. Extract from.

2 Ring out a slowly dying cause, And ancient forms of party strife; Ring in the ...
Mostew profile image
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Happy new year everyone

As John Lennon didn't quite write: And so 2020 Wasn't much fun Thank goodness it...
fuchsia-pink profile image

Looking for advice for sister if anyone can help

Free T4 13.9pmol/L (12-22) Serum tsh 1.56 mu/L (0.27-4.2) B12 374 pg/ml (197-771...
12345go profile image

Are there any connections?

Hi there, I was referred to a gastroenterologist and a gynaecologist a few weeks...
Hidden profile image

A miracle for my hair

Hi guys, I wanted to share an experience. I have been hypothyroid since 2015 and...
Misstee2 profile image

Result bloodtest

Hello everyone. I share my result. Feel tired my tsh gone up. I had high tsh for...
Assiya profile image

T4 & T3 combination therapy... day 9... awesome!

Forgive me, I am about to waffle! I am on day 9 of an NHS trial of T4 / T3 comb...
Lotika profile image

High TSH and FT4

I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism about 18 months ago. I've been on 75mcg for ...

Thyroid Disease Manager and Endotext

In the past, I have often mentioned Thyroid Disease Manager. It is a long-standi...
helvella profile image


Kia Ora from Aotearoa, New Zealand Sending everyone warm wishes for a Happy Ne...
NIKEGIRL profile image


TSH - thyroid-stimulating hormone - a normal reading is in the range of 0.5 to ...
Sheffield6 profile image

Thyroid and hair thinning

Hi folks. I was recommended this site by a good friend. I was diagnosed with coe...
ClaireW80 profile image

Pregnenolone - things to look out for

I’ve just started using pregnenolone to address low testosterone and progesteron...
Murphysmum profile image

Upped my dose of NDT so hard to fit in on empty stomach !

Just upped my Nature Throid to 4 grains a day - ( expensive !!) & finding it har...
Avidreader profile image

Calcitonin hormone and the thyroid.

A recent article released by the British Heart Foundation ( apparently a game ch...
Read58 profile image

NDT and hospitals

Quick question - I take NDT, but if I was in hospital, would they give me my pil...
serenfach profile image

Vaccine for Hashimoto's?

Should those of us with the autoimmune disease Hashimoto's Disease get the vacci...
jersey-jazz profile image

Titration of Levo halted at 75mg because TSH is 0.09 in recent blood test

I started Levo 50 in January but only got up to 75mg in October. I just had my m...
Bearo profile image

Could my hypothyroidisim/low ferritin and supplementing with 3 x 200mg daily be causing liver problems?

All my previous results and history now in my profile. 29th DECEMBER 2020 Stopp...

Test Results

Diagnosed with hypo and given Levo in 2016 - (was euthyroid at 125mg for past ye...

Low TSH and GP wants to lower liothyronine.

This is a last minute question about TSH. My appointment is today. I was diagno...
jersey-jazz profile image

Hashis swings and GP roundabouts - how can I get past this?

I was diagnosed with Hashis in April and prescribed 50mg Levo but had to drop to...
Realtiger profile image

Basal Temp advice please?

Hi do we deduct 0.5c from mouth temp with digital thermometer? Also do menstruat...

Finally losing weight!

Hi I've not been on the site for a long time but felt i needed to share my rece...
Revsie profile image

Ferritin rising no supplements

Hiya My question what can make ferritin rise? I've always had trouble trying to...
Hidden profile image

Does my story sound like a thyroid problem?

Hello guys! I'm Tom 23 years old and new to this community, I would like to shar...
TomGreenR profile image

Re my previous post re scammer

Armour NDT has saved my posts, they only joined today, have reported it as not s...
elwins profile image

Is TSH important in pregnancy when T3/ T4 are in range?

Hi there, I’m 33 weeks pregnant and taking a combo of T3 and T4. When not pregna...
Feijoa profile image