lost count...: Hello... Well, after my slip... - No Smoking Day

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lost count...

nsd_user663_5066 profile image
8 Replies

Hello... Well, after my slip up yesterday i have decided that counting the days i'm smoke free isnt the point to all this. I feel devastated that i gave in and had a few tokes on a fag. stupid, regretful move! But i refuse to dismiss the last 2 weeks and 2 days over this. it doesnt matter how long i've managed to go without smoking, what matters is i dont smoke anymore. So yeah, in my eyes i quit 30th Nov.... yesterday was a mistake. I'll learn from it and carry on.

Roll on week 4... i can do this.

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nsd_user663_5066 profile image
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8 Replies
nsd_user663_4990 profile image


I used to be in the camp of folk who felt that a blip however small meant back to day 1 no matter what. That was way back in july.. now its december and i've seen a good many folk on here come n go, some succeed with their quit and never blip.. others succumb and fail entirely with a total relapse.

Then you get the isolated mistake blips which are a few puffs on a cigarette, or a whole cigarette or a few of them.. but all are considered a blip. The mistake is made and hindsight and regret kicks in and this is where you need to fix the problem.. the few puffs, or the entire cigarette whichever, does set off a bit of a cascade effect as it feeds the receptors in the brain which crave that nicotine so you may well find that you will without doubt get some stronger withdrawal pangs/cravings and possibly even some emotive moods similar to the first 3-4 days of your quit as you once again go through the withdrawal.

I've seen folk truly recover just nicely from such blips..


So with hard work and determination on your part, and that you truly learn from what led to that blip.. then i see no reason why you can't make a good success of your quit, providing you don't repeat the same mistake again.

I wish you all the best and good luck. Quitting is NOT easy.. everyones quit is different, so i wish you a smoke free christmas and new year indeed.

** btw: i'm not in a position to judge another persons quit.. thats not my place.. your quit is your quit, and i'm not a medical professional either.. so anything i reply is based on my experiences only **

Kindest regards..


nsd_user663_6734 profile image

Slip up

Hi Need a Cuppa

Sorry about your little blip. It doesn't matter. You just think at least I haven't taken up the habit again.

I wouldn't start at day again just carry on counting your days. xx

Good luck.

Julie xx

nsd_user663_4964 profile image

Yup, you did it-and didn't enjoy it probably, and hated yourself for doing it, so it's just a learning experience. I sometimes think people who haven't had the odd little lapses are missing out. They sorta start romanticising the cigarette-but when you do lapse, you realise, heck, there's nothing to miss??

nsd_user663_3728 profile image


Sorry I missed this before and I'm sorry you had that little slip along the way

As to whether you go back and start again or carry on is entirely up to you


Marg xx

nsd_user663_6426 profile image


Hiya Needacuppa...I had a relapse about three weeks ago...I smoked 1-2 fags for two days and like you was absolutely gutted. I don't think it does matter if you do/don't start frm Day 1. In a couple of years time who gives a crap if you stopped on the say the 1st Dec or the 12th????? But I've since given up again and I'm on the 3rd week/6th week.....again who cares, I'm not smoking ;-). I smoked after an argument and weeks of illness....I thought I'd feel better....WRONG....I felt just the same if not worse cause I'd smoked. I think if you learn each time what might lead to a fag, you can ready yourself for the next time you feel weak... Anyhow....good luck on your quit, I'm with ya. LisaX

nsd_user663_6596 profile image

:DHello... Well, after my slip up yesterday i have decided that counting the days i'm smoke free isnt the point to all this. I feel devastated that i gave in and had a few tokes on a fag. stupid, regretful move! But i refuse to dismiss the last 2 weeks and 2 days over this. it doesnt matter how long i've managed to go without smoking, what matters is i dont smoke anymore. So yeah, in my eyes i quit 30th Nov.... yesterday was a mistake. I'll learn from it and carry on.

Roll on week 4... i can do this.

Hey Babe!!!

Dont worry, i had a drunken falter the weekend before last, woke up feeling like the biggest idiot, i'm still counting my days as they were before... so i have stopped smoking now for 7 weeks... there just happened to be a night of that that i was an utter idiot. My punishment for that was the increased cravings and narkyness for a couple of days afterwards.... i'll not be doing it again. Keep on the quit... we're all rooting for you, and us all. xxx

nsd_user663_5028 profile image

Hello... Well, after my slip up yesterday i have decided that counting the days i'm smoke free isnt the point to all this. I feel devastated that i gave in and had a few tokes on a fag. stupid, regretful move! But i refuse to dismiss the last 2 weeks and 2 days over this. it doesnt matter how long i've managed to go without smoking, what matters is i dont smoke anymore. So yeah, in my eyes i quit 30th Nov.... yesterday was a mistake. I'll learn from it and carry on.

Roll on week 4... i can do this.


Dont worry about it NAC important thing is you relaised how daft it was to do that and got back on with your quit which so far has been awesome so come on NAC lets get back on the horse and enjoy the ride to freedom from Mr Nic :)

nsd_user663_5066 profile image

back and loving it!

Thank you for all the support guys... Yeah i did the whole self-hating thing for a day or 2 after that. And the thing was yeah - Jude you are super right, i didnt like it one bit! them few tokes made me gag, literally. And made me realise there was no going back.

Had a couple of days of bad craves afterwards, and i took the whole 'grin and bear it' approach... since i slipped up, suffer the consequences and get on with it! heh...

feel bloody AWESOME!!! now... ha! :p first christmas without a fag since i was a kid pretty much... GET IN! Victory dance seriously needed at this point in time. God knows what day i'm on now... heading towards a month and loving not smoking so thats all that matters to me!

Thank you again.. you're all awesome! Now i have some important wrapping of pressies to do while He is out.. hehe! ;)


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