Posts - No Smoking Day | HealthUnlocked

No Smoking Day

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All posts for October 2009

why are evenings so hard!!

Another day (13), another craving. I'm fine all day and then ... I can't take it...

Am I in the right place?

Quit on 22/8/09. Does that mean I should be in Month 2 or Month 3?

Talk about mood swings!!!

I was feeling good all day and now I'm crying my eyes out! suddenly felt very lo...
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day 6.... much better!!!

day 6... if carlsberg done quitting days, they'd be like today... i had a good ...

Week 3 with a few relapses

Hi everyone Haven't been on here for a little while. I am on week three now, ...

Heading for my day 1 (with champix)

Hi everyone I've been lurking around all day reading up on all the posts. "off...

6 weeks and thank you!

Hi I'm sorry I haven't been on here since week 3. I just wanted to say thanks....

Day 3 Already

day 3 and doing ok (ish). Had some bad spells today but got through them intact....

Day early

I posted earlier that I was stopping smoking tomorrow, well I went outside with ...

Lindaspicer countdown to the penthouse

Congrats Linda for making it this far .... Now it is time to coast this last m...

Day 11 - feeling good

no grumpiness today and still sailing through this quit without a craving. manag...

ive made it to day 2 :D

well ive managed to keep at it for another day which is great, the only problem ...

Day 10 and all is well

Hello one and all Day 10 for me and for the first time I feel upbeat today, not...

Day - 10

Ok am still wearing the patches at night and still enjoying my "naughty" dreams ...

Very depressed...

Crying has been happening. A lot this morning. I have a history of depressio...

Day 11 and excited!

Hubby is home at the weekend and he'll smell me smoke free for the first time si...

Sickess - Help!

Morning guys, Day 4 of Champix (sorry - not sure whether I should post this st...

7 weeks done

Hi, some of you will know I have had a bit of a struggle on my hands the last fe...

CONFESSION.......(a fag in my mouth)..i could have put that better lol

This is the brief story of an arsehole. last night i went to the pub to watch t...

Day 13 Unlucky for some.................

................Unlucky for the fag shop lol Hang in there all Jack

need support please

Hi my name is krizzy and i have been smoking for 30yrs now and have tried many w...

Had a bit of a hard time, but made it through

I was sorting through boxes of old stuff and found pictures of my family at my d...

My first post. Day 13

I read Allan Carr's book, and am amazed by the results. I have smoked for 36 ye...

Day 3 almost over - not that I'm counting

Been thinking about it more today although I haven't been tempted at all. It wa...

Ive been to Hell and Back !!!!!!!

Hi everyone Sorry I have not been on for a few days but ive been to hell and b...

Day Two so far so good!

Hey again fellow quitters... its 19.35 on day two and gone really well. I have ...

If I don't kill the kids.......'s going to be a good day. Another round of having to scream at the kids ...

Day 9 - My first Post!!

Hey Folks, Been following this forum now for over three weeks so i thought it wa...

Day 1 tomorrow (2nd time!)

Hi all I gave up 8 days ago as I had a horrid chest infection and ended up on a...


Im coming to the end of Day 10 and im going insane! I cant beleiwve the craving...

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