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Thyroid UK

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All posts for April 2015

Understanding GP/Endo Surrey area

Hello, am new to Surrey area and looking for a recommended GP who understands th...
ClaRit profile image

Thyroid ultrasound

Afternoon everyone. I just had an ultrasound on my thyroid. I've been complain...
pennyrose profile image


These are my results six weeks after increasing thyroxine from 150 to 200 daily....
Daija profile image
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Problems with Mercury pharma ?

Hi just wondering , has anyone had any problem when taking Mercury pharma ? I ha...
Sandra49 profile image

Vitamin B6

Deficiencies, Sources and Health Benefits
greygoose profile image

This is How You Kill a Thyroid Patient

Advice for doctors by Mary Shomon
greygoose profile image

Gp who prescribed NTH in North Wales?

Anyone recommend a gp North west or North Wales, who will do a private script f...
Zara1908 profile image

Told by my GP too expensive to get a T3 test!!

I am hypo. Haven't been told my results, but Levo has been increased to 100mcg....
Gillp55 profile image

fed up

for a while now i can be perfectly fine and suddenly the worst feeling of sickne...
mandy72 profile image

Thank you all - re GP wanting to cut my 137.5mcg Levothyroxine

A big thank you for your advice. New GP phoned me yesterday and I told him that...
brenchley profile image

Support Groups in Hertfordshire, UK

Just wondering if there are any support groups in Herts, Bucks or North Middx.
Pepekins profile image

NHS tests that may help diagnose adrenal issues

A few people asked what tests my endo ordered in order to find the root cause of...

thyroid eye disease

can anyone tell me what the symptoms are
bossbird profile image

dry eyes and constant infections like conjunctivitis

i have hashimotos im worried that my daughter has some form of an auto immune di...
bossbird profile image

Recommendations please for a book explaining Underactive Thryroid

Thinking it might be useful if I was to buy a book to help me understand what is...
Philly2748 profile image

Levothyroxine & breast cancer.

Iv`e read on the internet that Women who take Levothyroxine have a 200 percent i...
hairyfairy profile image

Thy3f lesion surgery opinion

I have been diagnosed with having a multinodular goitre and hypothyroid (underac...
SuniYash profile image

Has anyone tried thyroid cream

I was looking for it as I remember reading, in my FM days, some success with cyt...
helbell profile image

dosages of T3

I have been having a reaction to relatively low doses of levo. I felt like I wa...
Karunablue profile image

Being overweight means you live longer!

Dr Malcolm Kendrick doesn't half get about lately.... :)...
Spareribs profile image

Hashimoto's and TPO Antibodies Over-coming...
greygoose profile image

For all those of you worried about their hair... Castor Oil for hair growth.
greygoose profile image

lactose free levothyroxine

I have just been on a course of 25microgrames of levothyroxine for 3 weeks with ...
lollipop3 profile image

Vitamin D in The Guardian
Winegum2 profile image

Further results on ndt

Hi again Last week I wrote that I'd had results back but they'd missed doing ts...
130396 profile image

gastroscopy today

went for the gastoscopy this morning which wasn't to bad Diagnoses Oesophagus n...
Sue1947 profile image

TPO antibody result 690

Hi My endo recently did an antibody test to make sure it was an autoimmune condi...
Chablis profile image

blood tests

T4 15 (8.21) Ths 1.10 (0.35 3.50 T3 4.5 (3.8 6.0) this blood test was done 2 mo...
JAN86 profile image

Help with the dizziness

Hoshimotos dizziness gonna be the death of me, had it for 9 months daily and con...

Different dose levo summer/winter

Hi all, I read a lot about the thyroid and I have read a couple of times that t...
Flower3 profile image