Vitamin D in The Guardian: - Thyroid UK
Vitamin D in The Guardian

Thanks for posting Winegum
- I think the message is getting through! Of course sunshine is better - if you can find some!
Hmm... - I wonder why the SACN report on VitD has been postponed.....
here's an extract from their minutes....
95. In the chapter on proposed recommendations, it was suggested there should be a clear explanation of why reliance on a dietary intake was being proposed and more emphasis given to suitable dietary sources of vitamin D. Members were reminded, however, that it was not within SACN’s remit to make recommendations about how the RNI for vitamin D should be achieved. It was agreed to include a recommendation that consideration should be given to strategies for the UK population to achieve the RNI for vitamin D.
Is £28 expensive for a test?
'unwanted effects' - like what?
If supplementing folk should regularly test VitD & calcium and research effects of associated low levels of magnesium & K2 - as is often reported most vitamin/mineral levels tend to be low too (and not just hypothyroid folk either!). J
ps "90 .... It was also noted that population vitamin D intakes were much lower than estimated requirements."
Vitamin D is added to some milk here in France, but it's D2 they add, not D3. One should be aware of that.
I don't think I'm really in agreement with adding things to water/milk. It takes away the choice element, particularly with water. And no I would have no objection to Vit D there are other things I would object to like fluoride. Just concerned where it would go next.
But there is a choice here, silverfox. I said SOME of the milk. You can chose to buy it or buy milk without it. I agree that adding it to all milk would be wrong - especially as it's the wrong vit D! And that, of course, makes it more expensive. My endo told me not to bother with it.
Apopplogies! I didn't pick up on that but I was more concerned that such choices if it were to go down that avenue, could be taken out of our hands. I was thinking mostly of the counties who have added fluoride to the water supply in the UK which I'm sure forces many to buy bottled water. As I drive a lot for pleasure I drink mineral water if I have a pub lunch and noticed one contained fluoride and the annoying thing is I can't remember which one now!