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Thyroid UK

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All posts for August 2018

Have a look at these old test results for me please.

Thyroid stimulating hormone 3.00 mIU/L (0.27-4.20) Free T4...

Thyroid S supplier

Hey, been taking thyroid s for 3 years. Can anyone please inbox me reputable pla...
Ticklek profile image

Carbizamole and sore throat

Hi I've been on 20 mg for about a week of carbizamole and for the last three day...
Hidden profile image
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High Ferritin level.

Hi I have just been looking over my last Medicheck results and noticed my ferrit...
lucylocks profile image

TSH levels.

Hi wonder if anyone can advise me, my 25 year old normally very fit, energetic d...

Do you need to have max 12h between t3 and test?

I am trying to convince doc to test me before apt. But since I don't know if she...
Clara9 profile image


does anybody have burning feet and legs especially at night

Feel terrible on T3 bought online - wondering if it is authentic?

Hi everyone, not entirely sure why I am posting this but I really don't know whe...
ys52 profile image

Going bach to levo T4 only from T3 and ndt

Hi, Im going back from T3 / NDT on levo due to many symptoms. I decreased t3 an...
Eliara2 profile image

Dose raise

Hi again. My dose of NDT was raised 2 weeks ago from 11/2 to 2 grains as was und...
flo-jo100 profile image

T3 check

Good afternoon everyone! So basically I slowly introduced t3 into my daily meds....

thyroid medication not working

I have had an underactive thyroid for 24 years, I have Hashimoto's. my joints s...
tudors profile image

tendon and muscle pain.

A few years back I had a rotator cuff injury to my right shoulder which was trea...
hairyfairy profile image

General to highlight a name.

Hi, just wanted to ask how to highlight a name in a post. Once highlighted, does...

So Confused about T3/T4 Doses

I recently added T3 to my protocol, initially with 6.25 mcg in the mornings and ...
whatevs profile image

reducing TPO antibodies

Hi, I'm new here so I don't know if I'm asking this question the right way, but ...
anamarija profile image

Not able to reply

Why am I not able to reply to someone's post.?
Stourie profile image

Hypothyroidism and Exercise intolerance

Hello friends. I'm taking 50mcg Thyroxine with a TSH of 3.6. 2 weeks ago I raise...
Mallibu profile image

New blood test results - Dr not treating

Hi everyone, posted lots of times with updates on blood tests, my last bloods fr...

Supplement to Vitamin D??

What's the supplement which accompanies magnesium for the absorption of vit d. C...
mfrie profile image

Widespread body pain, stiffness and increased fatigue - new symptoms

Hi everyone, It’s me again with some new symptoms. The past two days I have b...
AnnaSo profile image

New endo appointment advise

Just wondered if anyone would help me , I have a new endo appointment this week ...
Hidden profile image

Plz helpe with gluten free diet

i take one.boiled egg in the morning then i take milk tea sugar free.wth 1 glute...
Dils profile image

MediChecks Results- love your thoughts!

Would love some thoughts / comments on my MediChecks results please. Bit of bac...
Bramble83 profile image

Is memory loss linked to thyroid problems?

Hello all, this is my first post, I'm after some advice if possible please. I am...

primary or secondary?

sorry to sound a bit dim but what is primary/secondary hypo? I have CH and have ...
tee27 profile image

Private test results

Hi, Following on from my previous question I have some blood test results. I've ...
g0courtney profile image

Important to consider sleep apnoea as a contributor to thyroid, fatigue and related metabolic troubles

Hi all. This post is as the heading, but first some context. It’s a bit of an e...
vajra2 profile image

Positive ANA 1:80

I am currently in the process of doing something about my fatigue, and weird sym...

GTF Chromium advice please

Hi, I wondered if anyone has any advice who supplements with GTF Chromium please...
Anniejw profile image