I recently added T3 to my protocol, initially with 6.25 mcg in the mornings and have now worked up to the following:
T4 - 137.5 mcg (Down from 150mcg)
T3- 12.5 mcg AM, 6.25 mcg PM
The most bizarre thing is as I add more T3 I keep getting more hypo symptoms i.e. extreme tiredness, fatigue, slow heart rate, cold hands, confusion etc - none of the hyper symptoms I'd expect from adding T3. Makes no sense at all.
I'm wondering if my body is producing more RT3 because I've added T3 and not lowered T4 enough - which is then giving me more hypo symptoms because the overall FT3 is lower.
Here are my last bloods on 150mcg T4 only:
FREE THYROXINE 20.500pmol/L 12.00 - 22.00
FREE T3 4.44pmol/L 3.10 - 6.80
Kinda at my wits end and tempted to go back to just 150mcg T4 only so I don't cause myself more harm. And here's me thinking I needed to be worried about going too hyper !