sorry to sound a bit dim but what is primary/secondary hypo? I have CH and have never heard of this term before?
primary or secondary?: sorry to sound a bit dim... - Thyroid UK
primary or secondary?

Primary hypothyroidism is where the problem lies with the thyroid and it fails for whatever reason.
Central Hypothyroidism is where the problem isn't with the thyroid but with either the Pituitary or the Hypthalamus and this can either be:
Secondary Hypothyroidism - Pituitary
Tertiary Hypothyroidism - Hypothalamus
Congenital Hypothyroidism would usually be regarded as primary.
I have been diagnosed with central hypothyroidism. Waiting to be further diagnosed for secondary or tertiary hythrodism. Will you please guide me about further possible tests. Whether treatment exists for central hypothyroidism,?
There are plenty who have not been tested to find out whether they have secondary or tertiary hypothyroidism - which is why the term central hypothyroidism is so widely used.
The tests possibly include a Thyrotropin Releasing Hormone (TRH) stimulation test. They give you some TRH and see if TSH rises. It is also possible that they would do an MRI scan which can detect (some) pituitary and hypothalamus issues.
Further, other pituitary hormones should be tested:
Human growth hormone (HGH)
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
Luteinizing hormone (LH)
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
Prolactin (PRL)
Treatment exists for the hypothyroidism - pretty much the same as for any other form - levothyroxine (T4) and, if needed and lucky, liothyronine (T3). Deficiencies of the other hormones need to be looked at, if any are identified.
I encourage you to post your own, brand new post. It will likely get better exposure than questions buried in responses on another question.
I had to look up TRH - either forgot or never knew what it stands for.
It's Thyrotropin Releasing Hormone.
Produced by the hypothalamus (a part of the brain) to get the pituitary to release thyrotropin, aka TSH.
And of course if anything goes wrong with that chain of events the thyroid has problems
I am on NDT for secondary hypothyroidism, prescribed privately.
I was dismissed for years by my GP and local NHS consultant ( who said I had CFS ) as my bloods were "within range." However, going to my private endo in a completely different health authority was a revelation. He immediately identified secondary and ran an MRI. There was nothing wrong with my pituitary, thankfully. My bloods may have been "within range" but totally imbalanced.
Helvella: those tests sound interesting. I will ask my endo if he ran them on the original diagnosis. Also, do they need checking regularly? Can the NHS do them, or should I get them done privately?
The TRH test is usually a one-off to decide whether secondary or tertiary.
The other hormone tests are possibly one-off unless other signs and symptoms indicate the possibility of continuing or new issues.
If you are doing OK, possibly no reason to do any of them.
Helvella, thank you for the information. I get more info on here than through the GP!
My blood test results on diagnosis in 2014, quote from endo's letter: " the biochemical picture is typical of secondary hypothyroidism.... "
Free T4 low at 11.4 (7.8 - 14.4)
TSH 1.68 (0.3 - 5.6)
Negative TPO bodies
Glucose 4.8
Testosterone 1.5
FSH 6.5
LH 9.2
Prolactin 141
Cortisol 318
IGF-1 level 25.1
DHEA sulphate 5.
I hope that makes sense. Perhaps one of the mods can explain it???