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Thyroid UK

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All posts for April 2013

Help please with results

Picked up my results to- day Serum free T3 4.2 pmol/L ( 3.80 - 6.0...
wakeham profile image

Why is UK T3 so expensive?

T3 why is it so expensive in the UK as I believe it costs GPs £53 to prescribe i...
cherrybaby profile image

What vitamins and supplements does everyone take?

I just wondered what everyone else takes? This is my daily list, mainly based o...
cal1971 profile image
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my appointment with dr p!

just finally got home after my appointment, he was a little confused about my ra...
nichola79 profile image


does anyone suffer with gall bladder pain ,if so could it be due to thyroid bein...
Lizzy1606 profile image

Graves disease with hyperthyroidism and Hyporparathyroidism

I have graves disease with hyperthyroidism. A few months after I was diagnosed I...
jaxbubbles profile image

Interesting research article on testing visitors to a Thyroid Health Fair in Michigan for hypothyroidism

I've never heard of a thyroid health fair before - something we could perhaps do...
Confused77 profile image

Just joined

Hi Everybody, I've just joined although I have been overactive for about 3yrs. I...
bluejeans62 profile image

Class 3 Drug Alert (Action Within 5 days): Diazepam 2mg Tablets - Teva UK Limited - EL 13(A)12

A recall which might affect some people here: Class 3 Drug Alert (Action With...
helvella profile image

TSH blood test

Hi everyone, I had done a blood test about two months ago when I had travele...
fireflie profile image

Hi, has anyone found reading interactive thyroid diet books helpful and can recommend any.

spill profile image

For those panicked sufferers on T3 Asda is the way.

I have discovered after ringing Asda they do the special script scheme the pharm...
Kezzerb profile image

Levels when on NDT please

Sorry people I have not been on here in a lonnng time and I have forgotten. I...
damehypo profile image

thyroxine level and doctor

my mum takes thyroxine but needs levels upped,she isnt feeling well and been bac...
gizzmo73 profile image

Confused. Mercury Pharma are out of T3 stock and are only licensed provider in UK, but my bottles say Goldshield (20mcg) & Paddock (5mcg)

Totoro profile image

Vit D

Interesting. When I saw Dr P last week, he suggested I consider taking vit D. ...
rosetrees profile image

Hashimoto's diagnosed 30 years ago

Since diagnosis 30 years ago I was put on 200 mcgs of levothyroxine and have re...
poet profile image

NHS Salivary Cortisol tests at the Specialist Biochemistry department at University Hospital Southampton

Here is version of a letter asking for a salivary cortisol test free on the NHS....
NBob profile image

IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR THOSE ON T3 MEDICATION (re: no supply of UK T3 until june 2013)

Dear all, I have just called the MHRA, I said to them: 'How come we only h...

Transient loss of half vision in one eye. Any suggestions?

Hi I posted a few days ago about my thyroid levels, which we always 'normal'....
Parksie7 profile image


I have Graves Disease and while I feel well at the moment I am concerned about w...
Oscar11 profile image

Missed blog.

A message for Si, Sorry but I deleted your blog to me yesterday in error - m...


If I was taking 125 of thyroxine and now taking 20mcg of t3 split in to 2 doses ...
tactano50 profile image

Could someone please help suggest what my results might mean ?

Hi, GP tested my thyroid in August 2012 due to symptoms of fatigue, feeling c...
Hidden profile image

URGENT: Mercury Pharma's Liothyronine(T3) 20mcg tablets unavailable until June 2013, what to do?

I have spoken to Mercury Pharma's "customer care" (020 8588 9273) who have confi...
HypoMan profile image

Nutriadrenal /max

Hi guys, just a quick one. I am considering takin nutri adrenal suppliments, aft...
Femme1 profile image


This may have no connection with thyroid at all but it is weird! Has anyone else...
Hidden profile image

Magnesium - need some help please..........

Hi Folks I have tried many forms of Magnesium, but they all result in having a ...
JLTsirius profile image

20 years later and I didnt know a thing

I am a new member and this is my first blog. Roughly twenty years ago after muc...
jumpup profile image

why do some people use naltraxone for there hypothyroid symptoms and does it help and at what dose please ? gimi-energy

gimi-energy profile image