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Thyroid UK

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All posts for April 2013

Having a blood test. When do I take my Levo?

I now take my Levo about 10 o'clock at night and my blood test is scheduled for ...
JennyC2 profile image

Hi is my 3 year old with graves disease may have to have rai treatment is this safe for a child do young

poppit profile image

I'm new

Hi! I have been hypothyroid for43yrs I'm 65. I also suffer with diabetes and gou...
jancoe profile image
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Does anybody have or had in the past experience with endocrinology dept. of University College London Hospital ?

Thank You for replies/ E.
Hidden profile image

A good sign?? :)

Ok a little too much information but my libido was none existant prior to treatm...
sam1986 profile image

Need Letter of Persuasion for My GP

Hi Folks, My Endo said I could have T3 but my GP is worried and reluctant to ...
Jacksatlast profile image

An opinion please on Vit B12 and what is being looked for in 24 hr. urine test.

Just had blood tests back Vit B 12 result 1424 ng/L range 130.0 - 1100.0. Have ...
siskin profile image

What a difference a year makes - going up Pen Y Fan this weekend...!

This time last year I was really struggling, and exactly a year ago this weekend...
Clarebear profile image

Had TFTs and others done to day with a great nurse! Shall i up my dose of Armour now?

Hello! I had a brilliant nurse today who took my TFTs (including FT3) Thyroid an...
BexyLS profile image

How to get a second opinion.

This is really an NHS systems question and I notice that many of you seem far mo...
lilliput profile image

did any body have post natal depression aswell

i had pnd twice after having my children i was wondering if anybody else had sam...
neen76 profile image

Home blood testing

I'm looking at getting one of the home blood testing kits by blue horizon for ad...
Smiga13 profile image

Phone consultation with endo

I put this in my blog but should have put it as a question. I spoke to endo on t...
roslin profile image

Vitamin d blood result back, got a letter

Hi I have been waiting for my Vit d result. (All other results on my profile). ...
lare73 profile image

Is it normal to feel this awful?

Hi everyone I went to my GP a few weeks ago, armed with a list of symptoms (my ...
Moggy1 profile image

Comprehensive anemia profile? Does one exist?

I'd like to have a CBC, serum iron level, TIBC, ferritin, reticulocyte count, fo...
AnthonyMs profile image

Unexplained Chronic Fatigue - doctors not running correct iron tests
auldreekie profile image

Not confirmed yet - advice on independent testing required and which test to take

Hi, I have just returned from the doctors yesterday and am being refer...
mb008 profile image

Have written a letter of complaint

Well guys, after 3 sets of full bloods, they have gone from haywire to ............
diggingit profile image

How do you control your weight?

Opinions/Advice on recent blood results and visit to Dr Friday

Hi Everyone. I'm a 42 year old female who was diagnosed with Hashimoto's disease...
Wired profile image

Started on armourn 1/2 grain with levo 100mcg two days ago. feeling woozzy and a bit tired

how long do i have to wait to know id this is settleing ok in my system. i am go...
anuska profile image

What is going on with my test results? Also surprise response to from my Endo to my recent letter!

Okay where to start, test results I guess. Test results Jan 13 On 50mcg T4...
DeniseR profile image

Dr H Maksoud

Has anyone seen this Endo in Nottingham Road
meki profile image

Please help advise where to go for an impartial accurate private Thyroid test? We live in the Cambridge area of the UK. Thanks a lot!

There's a list for Private Testing on the helpful Thyroid UK website but am not ...
ghana60 profile image

is there a genetic link with thyroid conditions? sister hypothyroid, niece precancerous cells on thyroid? Please help! Thank you :-)

Husband hyperthyroid and mother in law hypothyroid - surrounded by it! Thank y...
ghana60 profile image

hi trialling t3 only . stopped my t4 5 days ago abruptly please tell me if i am doing it right . thanku u marvellous clever kind people

i was taking 100mg levothyroxine and was trialing liothyronine but was feeling a...
poppppy profile image

part thyriod

as any one had a thyroid taken out ?
neen76 profile image

Interesting webpage about generic t3

Hi I've just disovered this intersting webpage which lists numerous different...
T4_malcontent profile image

Endocrinologist at Glasgow Nuffield Hospital

Has anyone see the Endocrinologist at the Nuffield Hospital in Glasgow?
Princesspea profile image