Posts - Thyroid UK | HealthUnlocked

Thyroid UK

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All posts for October 2014

Graves' Disease and facing Disciplinary Action at Work

Hi, I'm new here. I have Graves' Disease with all the associated problems - fati...
HarleyBarley profile image

Synthroid vs Levothyroxine

I was taking 150mcg thyroxine and 20 liothyronine and have recently changed to ...
Hidden profile image

Getting off sertraline

Hi, I've been trying to cut down and eventually give up the sterlaline I was pre...
Panda_26 profile image
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Hi everyone, I've just found this group, I've had a under active thyroid for t...
Unimummy profile image

logging in

everyday I have to re-log on to health unlocked despite asking to be remembered ...
jeanniex profile image

Had enough!

Hi there have been underactive for 18 months doc and endo says levels are fine, ...
pburns25 profile image

Don’t be alarmed if I say I feel suicidal…

This is a test post to see if an automated action is triggered to ‘hide’ this po...
RedApple profile image

Going to conference by train?

Is anyone going to the conference by train from London and want to share a taxi ...
Churchie profile image


Does Penicillin interfere with Levothyroxine? I have been prescribed 250 mg, 4 ...
dylansmum profile image

Can anyone help ?

My daughter is now one year on from having a pituitary tumour removed. The pro...
Hidden profile image

why can I not open my post and answers

I wrote a post yesterday and have come on to open it today to view peoples reply...

Test for T3

Hi, I'm due to have blood tests tomorrow & have a queery re T3. I've been taking...
Rebecks profile image

High levels of Anti-Tpo

Hi, could someone please tell me what normal anti-thyroglubin levels but elevat...
Rebecks profile image


Can you sublingual wp? X
Tanyaking profile image

PubMed Papers - Every Day

Each and every day of the year I receive an alert from PubMed of new entries. Th...
helvella profile image

Help please

Ok so went back to docs and they sent me for more blood tests. They put me on hi...
Myriad1966 profile image

Lets get this petition to it's next marker 7000 for the TUK conference next Saturday

Please sign if you have not done so, and PLEASE RECRUIT others... thanks. http...
MaryF profile image


Just been to my doctor feeling ill with a urine infection . But asked him to wri...
miss-muffet profile image

Memory problems

I feel my memory is getting worse. Could either be thyroid or menopausal, I tend...
Silver_Fairy profile image

Traditional Chinese medicine

Has anyone tried TCM for their thyroid complaint? Are you hypo or hyper. What he...
Silver_Fairy profile image


Recommendations for the best make of sublingual B12 please?
Silver_Fairy profile image


Can anyone explain why tsh levels fluctuate when you do not have a thyroid, and ...
Tatty10 profile image


Hi..have changed my shifts..used to,work nights as a doing ...
Seabob profile image


Hi I posted on here a few weeks ago. I went to my GP because of hair loss, was g...
MandyBboop profile image this normal..?

Hi all. I'm 35 year old male and I recently got told by doc that I had Hypothyr...
shinds profile image

Fluctuating thyroid results

Hello everyone. I haven't been here for a while, but I got a lot of help from th...
Woochan profile image

NDT - funny spell

I have just raised my Erfa from 30mg to 60mg. I took 60 this morning and have ju...
fixit profile image

Food Is Difficult But Doesn't Have To Be

Katie the Wellness Mama is hosting a webinar called the Wellness Family Summit w...
PR4NOW profile image

Test results (with range)

Hi all I'd really appreciate your thoughts on these results (all normal to my GP...
kittysmummy profile image

Drug mugers - why we need to supplement

And doctors hand these pills out like sweeties, with no concern about what they ...
greygoose profile image