And doctors hand these pills out like sweeties, with no concern about what they might do to us!
Drug mugers - why we need to supplement - Thyroid UK
Drug mugers - why we need to supplement

Excellent find especially the '9 thyroid muggers' link.
Thank you for posting.

You're welcome.
It really annoys me that when you go to see a doctor they are glued to their computer screen but mention what you read on the internet and they jump down your throat!! Plus they NEVER look at th interactions between any meds they prescribe!!
That is very true! When I was ill last year, they prescribed 7 different drugs, to be taken indefinately. When I checked up on them, all of them were unsuitable for hypos! Among other things! I was in a right mess, and I knew it was the drugs. But would they take me off them? No! They wouldn't! So, I slowly weaned myself off them and stopped going to the idiot doctor's. Back to self-treating for my hypo, now.
But although they are glued to their computer screens, I don't think they are looking at the same things as us! If they were, they'd be better informed! They must be on some NHS site or something. With my ex doctor, I could always see the screen from where I sat, and he was just looking at my records, and my results. Nothing more informing than that. lol
Went to Drs last week suffering from serious exhaustion due to stressful family situation, told him I was paying out for private therapy, Dr looked a little lost and did the usual thing by prescribing me a lethal drug by the name of Diazepam. I felt very unsure but did change the prescription, when I got home I looked up the drug on the internet and the side effects are appalling besides a long list of cautions including not to be prescribed to the elderly (I am 74). I asked for a thyroid blood test which he did agree to and am waiting the result, but it was obvious he made no connection whatsoever between stress affecting the thyroid/adrenals. I am continuing my search for healing via James Wilson's book on Adrenal Fatigue and counselling besides picking up knowledge from this great website. It is quite shocking that serious drugs are prescribed with such ease, thank goodness I have an independent brain. Thanks greygoose for article.
Forgot to say I tipped the drug down the drain.
Oh, Joyia, sorry, but that's really not a good thing to do. That way it gets into the water supply and ends up poisoning fish, or something.
Can you not take unused drugs back to the chemist for disposal, in England? That's what we do in France. Other than that, wait until the drug is way past it's sell-by date before disposing.
But I do know what you mean, they just don't bother, do they. Well, I don't accept and 'oh-this-is-good-enough' type health service! I'm better off treating myself!
Hugs, Grey