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Thyroid UK

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All posts for November 2013

Pls recommend good folate and HCL tabs that do NOT contain mag stearate?

I need something affordable, so am not looking to order from the States. Pref a ...
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I'm 5 weeks pregnant with a high TSH level of 9.6, could this be causing me to feel hungry all the time?

Last year I suffered a miscarriage and then I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism....
judy_leet profile image

what is thyroxin toxicosis

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how can thyroxin toxicosis be mistaken for type 2 bi-polar

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recently diagnoseed hypo, on 100mcg levo, been suffering from pain in right kidney area since I've been on medication, could it be adrenal?

Does anyone who knows they have adrenal problems suffer from pain? it's a dull a...
mumofcrazy profile image

latest blood results... looking good crossing all fingers... ?

TSH 0.23, T4 18.4 T3 5.6 Looks a good balance to me... was on 40mg carb in Feb f...
tilly83 profile image

Neck pain getting increasingly worse

Hi, I haven't visited this forum for a while but feel compelled to do so today a...
PpCaz555 profile image

Easy to understand cholesterol, statins and thyroid newsletter.

I found this newsletter easy to understand about statins, cholesterol and thyroi...
valerie profile image

GP wanted to see me - results are back. Need help please.

Hi, for those who don't know me I'm a 28yr old Hashimoto's sufferer and I've bee...
Hidden profile image

B12, Folate and Ferritin

After a recommendation to read about B12 deficiency I have a few questions... I...
PeteB profile image

Blood test this morning, took levo without thinking - will it affect TSH result? Thank you

I have had pink eyes and they have been watering for the last 10 days could this be anything to do with my thyriod condition

goonearl profile image

Severe muscle pain , fatigue , hair loss , and the whole catastrophe ... TSH reading of 19 .8 [ 0 . 50 - 4 . 00 ] again ...

Help ! Does anyone have positive advice ? My Endocrinologist will not test for T...
4esined7 profile image

I was wondering does anyone have sharp pain where the nodule is swollen?Also what about crawling tingleing skin?

ShonP profile image

Support group in Lancashire

Im interested in setting up a support group in the Colne area and would like to ...

Liothyronine Costs 2012

Further to the discussion on my recent post, the costs as listed by the NHS seem...
helvella profile image

Hypothyroid with pain in my borrowed foot.....Read on,you will understand.

When i was first diagnosed with Hypothyroidism i posted about the pain in my rig...
henrythewasp profile image

So my Endo appointment has arrived 30.12.13. I have collated some evidence for use of T3. Are there any specific questions that I should ask

I don't want to allienate the man before i start by producing my portflio of evi...
pottyrai profile image

Why am I so Ill! :-(

HELP! I know you get so many posts like this but please help if you can. I'...
o_kella_uk profile image

Vitamin D or is it Vitamin D3, or are they both the same please ?

Months ago, after being newly diagnosed with Hypothyroidism and prescribed Levot...
Coastwalker profile image

Is it time to go and see Dr S?

GP admits he is out of his depth but I cannot/will not go back to our local hosp...
Ansteynomad profile image

Can anyone tell me exactly what I should be tested for in realtion to underactive thyroid? My GP tested for TSH and T4?

Booblet profile image

Hi all, I wanted to ask your advice, oily skin, acne, limp hair and no this normal?

I'm newly diagnosed with under active thyroid, having come off the contraceptive...
LittleMi profile image

thyroids low first ime in 15 years tabs increased twice .

hi I normally post on ra site but thought you peeps might be able to advise me ....
binlid profile image

Is anyone taking batch 81377 of T3? Is it working ok for you or not?

Just got a new prescription with this batch and I'm concerned it's not the prope...
Totoro profile image

Low stomach acid test

Hi I am hypo and taking 150mcg levo but still have symptoms. I have an appointme...
lucylocks profile image

Any advice on how to take the most reliable basal temperature test? Do your pulse readings fluctuate?

Hi All, I bought a digital infra-red thermometer this week and it's a whole deg...
HEA72 profile image

Dr Skinner/Private doc prescriptions

I guess the answer to this is yes but I'm not sure. Can I get Dr. Skinner or a p...
Smily profile image

healed from it

i have a friend she fought hetr way thru her symtoms with prayer and she doesnt ...
goodgirl78 profile image

Problems with this site anyone ?

When I click onto a post that has come in with the alert e-mail - The Page Canno...
Marz profile image