Posts - No Smoking Day | HealthUnlocked

No Smoking Day

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All posts for January 2013

Simple but effective

A no nonsense video clip

Fancy a non smoking treat?

May I reccomend cadburys egg 'n' spoon.... They are very sexy and a 4 pack cost ...

Day 17 - Getting a few cravings!!!

I dont understand it to be honest by the law of averages and common sense I shou...
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I'm struggling

Hi everyone, I know I haven't been posting for ages but have been lurking and gl...

Day 19

Well today is the day that I have reduced my patches from 21mg to 15mg going to ...


today is day 4, day 15 of champix. I think im going MAD!! saw Doc today, he seem...


I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday :)

Strange ???

Im on day 23 and i must admit reading some of these threads regarding smoking is...


hi its only been 17 days since i gave up , and i cant believe that im actually g...

Day 12 feeling calmer but anxious

Just wanted to say thanks for all the support at the start of my quit. Don't thi...

Bradford lad here...nerves in tatters watching the football...

But I wont be lighting up....craving quite bad watching this though yikes...

500 days!!

Boom!!! Get in there!

Being better mum...

3 weeks on and I feel like a much better mum. I have more time and patience for ...

Day 16 - Already??

Been a strange one today, my poor long suffering wife who has been shivering in ...

Help - Newbie - No body rewards

Hi Everyone This is my first time on this site, I am 12 days into my quit and f...

Feel so Ill

Im on day 18 thums up to me yay. But last night I come down with cold n flu like...

5 Years! Team 10?

Hi all - it has been a long time since I posted and I am not sure where the rest...

Heres Loopyness!!!!!!!!

6 weeks :D

Hi :) I've been a non-smoker for 6 weeks today!! Am amazed now looking back a...

day 3 trying to resist temptation

Well made it to day 3 the champix is really helping, but today my husband left a...

22 days :)

22 days and im loving it......................PEOPLE I DID COLD TURKEY AND FOR ...

Goodbye week 3... any spare seats in the next room?

Today is my last day of belonging to the week 3 room and it's time to move up to...

Missed you all! Oh and day 21. Huzzah! I'm free!

Hello lovely people, Somehow, with all your lovely support, despite some very ...

Neat numbers

Today I clicked on My Last Cigarette (an app on my iPhone) I got the following n...
Hidden profile image

The Ultimate Good News Thread.....

I don't know if this has been done before or if it will work but here goes! We...

day 22 :)

Into week 4 feel ok eating more fruit and veg havent seen a cake for 3weeks. Eat...

Day 12 ..... ooof Grumpy!

Hello everyone I have joined this site today as I have been on the 21mg patch an...

Week 3 Wahay :)

What a great feeling to get this far, we're good at this aren't we? :D Up-date ...

Day 19

Day 19 and still wanting a cigarette I have started using an electronic cigare...

Day 19

Day 19 and still wanting a cigarette :mad: I have started using an electronic c...

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