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All posts for September 2019

Advice please re excessive swelling and burned looking skin

Hi everyone, can I please get some advice? As you know I was taken off Hydroxych...

Mysterious bumpy rash thing?

Anyone got any ideas of what this rash could be or how to get rid of it? It’s up...

Am I ever going to get a full picture 🤦🏼‍♀️

Hello you lot ❤️ So I had thyroid suggested to me I couldn’t of course get my ...
Buckley123 profile image
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I was recently diagnosed with lupus and a couple days before I was diagnosed I g...
crij profile image

Tips on how to cope with 12hr day!

Hiya, I have 2 days at work this week, Wed & Thurs where I am working from 8:30a...
Becky1995 profile image

Eureka moment?

Good morning everyone, I have scle and Sjogrens and have had a really bad summe...
Barbara17 profile image

New Loopy type person first post

I tend to follow you folks with similar issues and learn from you guys and gals...
loopy4me profile image

Anyone have experience with ice pick headaches?

Hello friends! Over the last 2 days, I have had stabbing pains in the left side...
shareasmile profile image

Hair loss product.

Hi everyone......I've seen a few posts on hair loss and the distress it causes, ...

Thank you and here is a natural pain relief link.

Hi there dear friends it's Ce here. 🤗🤗🤗 I have a link to share with you, but ...
Keepstrong profile image

Weird bumps on my skin

Hi everyone, this is a bit bizarre, and please excuse the length of the post. O...

Negative ANA blood result twice... Is there a chance it could still be a auto immune disease?

Hello all! I have been having all sorts of symptoms and illnesses the past 18 mo...
cdow profile image

Swollen sore ears after starting mycophenolate

Hello everyone I've recently finished cyclophosphamide intravenous treatment for...
Northernd profile image

Worried about seeing occupational health at work

Hi all, I am hoping you may be quell my fears. I have not had a confirmed diag...
Sallmell profile image

Can u have a drink while taking peniquil?

If u have lupus
Flowersbush profile image

Hydroxychlorquine alternative

Hi all, has anyone had to come off Hydroxychlorquine and if so what alternative ...
Barbs51 profile image

Mysterious Rash

I be suddenly had a rash come up only on forearms , very itchy I’m not sure whet...
Eternity6 profile image

Something to make all Lupies smile.

When I was at my local Bannatynes Health club recently one of the ladies recomme...
Spotty-ewe profile image

Sugar and Lupus plus update on my left eye

Hi, Has anyone else developed an issue with sugar? The last few times I have ea...

Hydroxychloroquin increase

Hi everyone, just a quick question. I have a new rheumatologist and he has incr...
Biddy47 profile image

Hydroxichloroquin & Toxic Retinitis

Hi As most of you know that the Opthamologist at the Eye Infirmary told me that ...
Cal66 profile image

Occupational Health

Hi, This afternoon I had an occupational health assessment. The Dr said he want...
Rosebud40 profile image

Calling all dog owners 🐶

It's six years since I lost my beloved canine best friend Max ❤ and it's only no...
Happy43 profile image

Are you due to receive a biologic therapy in the next two weeks? Would you be happy to appear on TV?

Hi everyone, We've been contacted by a producer who is working on a Channel 4 pr...
Paul_Howard profile image

Guidance needed!

Hi there, I was diagnosed in December last year with subacute cutainious Lupus E...
Apple86 profile image

Changing Hospitals

Has anyone gone through the process of changing the hospital they attend for rhe...
tweetyburd profile image

Go the extra mile! Or not?

Hi fellow Lupies, I’m in a bit of a dilemma as I really want to walk around Derw...
Spotty-ewe profile image

Lupus and sciatica

I think I am in a flair as despite my steroid injection 3 weeks ago the pain I h...
Sallmell profile image

Anti ds dna and cardio lipid results

Hello, you have all been a big help previously and I was after, what will hopefu...
Ilovechips81 profile image

I am 42 with sle and heart and lung diseases just looking for new friends

I am 42 I have sle lupus and heart and lung diseases I'm on a convocation of dru...
Enya2010 profile image