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All posts for June 2018

Horrible allergic reaction!

Hello all, I’ve been taking prednisalone for about 2 months now with no issues....
mollyaimee profile image


Answering the question about Gabapentin:- This painkiller like most of them is h...
Geordie-Y profile image

Stabbing, shooting pain in middle of left hand. Had for years, driving me crazy.

Can anyone tell me what maybe the cause of my anguish. I have An intermittent pa...
MostynWitham profile image
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Guy's Hospital

Hi, Just wondering if anyone else has had their appointment rescheduled at Guy's...
Leesy profile image

Dry skin & sun cream

So I have been using zero double prescribed. My doctor rang up and said you can ...
LouLamb profile image

Not sure what this positive means

Hi everyone, I’m under the care of the vasculitis clinic at Addenbrooke’s (thank...
Makimon profile image

Anyone tried Gabapentin for pain?

I have tried various painkillers and can’t take them - they make me vomit. I hav...
mskmb profile image


My dermatologist has prescribed me with Hydroxychloroquine 200mg one bd. Im also...
MandaM profile image

Symptoms affecting my head!! Upper jaw, throat and scalp.

Hi there, anyone familiar with the following? I’m being driven a bit bonkers wit...

Feel terrible

I feel ill but I am caring for my mom who has dementia. She moved in with me and...
kt11 profile image


I had my first methoject today at the hospital . I did a lot better than I thoug...
LouLamb profile image

Mycophenolate and periods

I wonder if anyone has experienced a change in their cycle after starting mycoph...
flap7 profile image

The sun!! My enemy!

So everyone has been out enjoying the sun, I went out yesterday for 10 mins max ...
imzi profile image

The sun!! My enemy!

So everyone has been out enjoying the sun, I went out yesterday for 10 mins max ...
imzi profile image

Accessing the nhs as an expat.

This is following on from my previous post. Upon further research I see that we ...
Iris365 profile image

Moving from US to UK with Lupus

Hello everyone! I was diagnosed with Lupus last year, but since then my health h...
Iris365 profile image

Mycophenolate update after Rheumy appt

Hi all, It's the wee hours of the morning. Can't sleep -- but that's another s...
panda2 profile image

Coughing that seems never ending!

Hi everyone I will apologise now because this is a very long post. I have had 3 ...
Bakbre profile image

My rheumy steps it up - and free CPD!

For the second time, I am posting to praise my rheumy. I saw him on Monday to re...
whisperit profile image

Suspected Lupus, diagnosed with Fibro. I need help!!!!! Please.

I need help. I've been ill for over 7 years. Fevers just about every day.....and...
AngelaMew profile image

Lupus & hernias

Had to see an Immunologist last week for allergy tests. I took a long list of my...
Cal66 profile image

Rheumatology versus Dermatology

I was wondering if anyone that suffers from Lupus rashes or lesions have had luc...
Kwarshel06 profile image


Phew! I had to go to the dentist today, I was only out 2 1/2 hours but I'm exhau...

Blood test results? Book recommendation?

Hey all just want to say thank you for everyone here. It feels like a community ...
linicole profile image

Muscle pains

Afternoon lupies Does anyone get cramp like pain in their legs and struggle to ...
Coffeetime profile image

Constant thirst, dry mouth, glug glug

Hi there. I had neg biopsy for Sjogren's this time last year, diagnosis of SLE. ...
DJK99 profile image

Purple striae/stretchmarks?

Hi, sorry for the disturbing photo. Does anyone have stretchmarks on the belly a...
ellejay46 profile image


Hi Has anyone have experience with lowering immunopressions ( ASopress)
Voeltjie profile image

lupus reversal - any experience

hi has anyone read about Dr Goldner Brooke who reversed her lupus..
pookavi profile image

As my appointment is getting closer, I’m sitting here doubting my own self. Does anyone else have a rash that presents itself differently ?

The photo I am posting, shows a variation in how my rash exposes its self. The ...
Lisalou19 profile image