I be suddenly had a rash come up only on forearms , very itchy I’m not sure whether this photo can pick it up clearly, I’m on long term steriods5mg for autoimmune hep , I have cats but they are indoor and flead regularly and have never had fleas, no rash or spots on legs either, I have been and shown pharmacist this morning she hasn’t a clue but says I could have been bitten given me anthisan cream I was going to buy white tiger balm today to try that,
Mysterious Rash : I be suddenly had a rash come up... - LUPUS UK
Mysterious Rash

I get rashes like this sometimes. On my arms, legs, and back mostly. It's very itchy and sore. Sometimes even if I haven't even touched it, it looks like I have been scratching it.
When I look at it in daylight outside I can see raised skin coloured lumps, I asked two dif pharmacists this morning one said she didn’t think it was bites and suggested anthisan cream:the other one said it looked like contact dermatitis , said didn’t think it could be shower gel that I had used or it would have been other parts of my body, nor food allergy either, but more than likely something I had worn put my arms through or had I put something different on my skin
Maybe. It's maybe tondo with a flare up. I find not every flare up is the same. I gradually get more and more different things that become part of a flare up. Sometimes because different things happen i don't always realise it's a flare up, I just think I feel (and look) terrible and then it dawns on me it's probably a flare up.
I get randomly m rashes from time to time.
I find that if I keep my skin moisturised it’s not too itchy.
I think I should moisturise my skin too as it has become quite dry in the last few weeks
Can’t really tell from photo but from your description, could it be lichen planus I wonder? This is considered to autoimmune and most often affects the arms. It’s very itchy and sore. I’ve only had it on my tongue and it comes and goes. My dermatologist wondered if it’s affecting my nails too but can’t tell without biopsying my nail bed which doesn’t appeal much!
Looks similar to one I kept getting which was autoimmune induced hives. I just put calomine cream on and the only antihistamine that worked was Piriton tablets, not Piriteze. X
I would definitely tell your rheumatologist. I get similar rash on arms / legs from sun / uv if the factor 50 spf hasn’t been enough. Starts off looking like tiny blood spots under the skin rapidly developing into very itchy raised bumps , them a more generalised very red rash that looks like angry dermatitis. Mine is down to lupus/ vasculitis and is treated with steroid cream and strong antihistamines ( fexafenadine). I also get it when vasculitis / APS flares up.
Hope yours settles down soon xx
I haven’t got a rhemutologist but I am going to my GP about the rash as soon as I can get appointment Thankyou
I get things like this all the time - am convinced it is our body overheating - stick with what your pharmacist said. Try not to worry Lupus/ Sjogrens - autoimmune illness just keeps on throwing up stuff. I had similar to this on my upper thighs for a year without one Doc knowing what to do but take bloods. It’s gone now - I just kept it cool. Also, most important I think is not to use soaps etc. I shower with Johnson’s new born baby as I have Discoid Lupus just to add to the fun. Stick with natural products if you can and don’t worry - x
Yes that’s true, I was trying to think in the last few days leading up to this what I had put on my arms, remembered I opened a new soap n glory moisturiser just put it on arms, I think you can over think these things,
I'd love to know what this is too as I have exactly the same thing. I've had RA PsA and Lupus tests for joint pain, swelling and general illness over the last year but I've only had steroids jabs as the rheumy says whatever it is is too early to diagnose properly! I've been back to my GP for more blood tests but this rash is only on my forearms and noone seems to take any notice of it! The itch seems to calm down after Naproxen but comes back even meaner if I don't take that. It burns, stings and the itching is often unbearable .
My rash is still the same after going to drs and told to buy hydrocortisone cream n antihistermines I did find some raised bumps on my scalp too, so I bought avenno shampoo my hair is due to be dyed in two weeks so hoping it clears
Interesting....my scalp has started to sting and itch the way my arms did before the mystery rash broke out. Hairdresser said it looked red but no bumps or rash that she can see. I've gone down the hydrocortisone and antihistamine route which calms it a little but it always comes back quite quickly. Hope to find answers soon and I'll try the Aveeno shampoo. x