Calling all dog owners 🐶: It's six years since I... - LUPUS UK


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Calling all dog owners 🐶

39 Replies

It's six years since I lost my beloved canine best friend Max ❤ and it's only now that I can imagine having a furry companion again.

My question is do the vaccinations affect us with UCTD/LUPUS? ( I seem to remember reading something regarding live vaccinations).

I know from reading on here that some of you are dog owners so I'm assuming it's safe, I'm not on immune suppression but Azathioprine has been mentioned as an option for me.

Any information or advice would be great as I'd really like to make this happen, I miss my walking pal 😍.

Thanks 😊

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39 Replies
GlasgowHen profile image

Hi happy43. I’m a very happy dog owner oblivious to how my dogs may affect my health. The benefits of my furry companions far outweigh any health threats. I’m on immunosuppressants and never had a problem. At one point I had 4 dogs, one slept on my bed, I groom them, poo pick, cuddle and kiss them. Never ever had a problem.

I just wash my hands of course and try to avoid too many face licks.

My dogs are my natural antidepressants, they keep me active even when I’m miserably stiff and sore in the morning and generally keep me cheerful.

Go for it if you have a doggy shaped hole in your life. You will find many dog lovers on this forum. Keep us informed!

in reply to GlasgowHen

Hi rolybear thanks for your reply. I'm so glad you have a positive experience with your dogs and I completely get your comment regarding natural antidepressant 😊

I'm thinking of a rescue dog this time. Max was 8 weeks old when we got him (in the photo). He was such a good soul, with me through thick and thin and so clever. He was 15 when we lost him.

Definitely have a doggy shaped hole that needs filling!

GlasgowHen profile image
GlasgowHen in reply to

It is so hard to lose a furry friend. One of mine passed away in June at 14 years old.

I have a Labrador and a very unique looking rescue dog. My rescue is so loving and with some hard work is now a very faithful, loving soul. Right from the start he just had a sense about him with my disabled, visually impaired daughter.

There is so much research out there about the benefits of pets but with you having had one before you will know them for yourself. Very exciting though. Maybe the local rescue can help match you with a dog that suits your lifestyle and ability?

Georgiab123 profile image
Georgiab123 in reply to

Iv two 18 year old westies just simply care helps

GlasgowHen profile image

Philippo, using common sense and universal precautions like hand washing is generally enough to safeguard against bugs. Regularly worming and vaccinating a pet protects against infestations.

My children have live flu vaccine every year and I’m heavily immunosuppressed and living to tell the tale

Jmiller623 profile image

I have an 8 year old brindle Boxer named Baxter. Without him, my life would be the pits. He’s my best friend. I only wish his opposable thumbs would emerge quicker so he could make dinner for me. 😂 Pets are usually fine for those with lupus.

As for vaccinations, my rheumatologist says no more. Many of my events/flares came after flu vaccines which were mandatory because I was a physician. TDaP also really did me in. I did get the pneumonia vaccine because I had horrid pneumonia 2 years ago. I think it has prevented a recurrence so I’d probably continue with that every 5 years as recommended.

Azathioprine will definitely tank your counts and immune system so I’d suggest getting all vaccines a month or two before starting. As you said, live vaccines like zoster, MMR, hep A, polio, yellow fever are a no go for those who are immunosuppressed.

I hope you find your forever companion. They bring so much sunshine into our lives!

in reply to Jmiller623

Make dinner 😂. Are the live vaccinations for dogs safe to be around? That was my main concern.

Jmiller623 profile image
Jmiller623 in reply to

Hahaha. Yes. They should not effect you. I give my dog heart worm/tick medications monthly without issue. Many things dogs are vaccinated for only infect dogs and do not effect humans. Not to trash cat lovers but I’d be more weary of this furry friend. They are known to carry toxoplasmosis and some wild (albeit non infectious to humans) viruses. Toxoplasmosis is a concern for those who are immunosuppressed.

Hope this helps provide clarity and eases concerns!

in reply to Jmiller623

I did wonder if that was a silly question to ask 😂. When I had Max I was well and healthy, now I'm cautious about everything!

I'm glad you have your best friend. Thanks for the advice 😊

suzannah16 profile image

lovely photo of max. I have had a weak immune system for many many years and I find the only thing I need to avoid is people. I have never caught anything from my dogs or any other animals, people on the other hand pass on too many germs. If you are in any doubt you could try volunteering at a rescue centre, you should find out pretty quick if you are going to catch anything and you may find a furry friend while you are there. just wash your hands a lot.

in reply to suzannah16

What a good idea thanks! Lovely to hear from people with good experiences 😊

SonyaNME profile image

Any vaccination for your dog isn’t going to have any impact on your health. As long as you’re sensible about worming etc they can only be a good thing. I’m on high dose immunosuppressants too. In all honesty I would be far worse off without my dog as having something that forces you to get some exercise even when you don’t feel like it is a massive benefit. There are plenty of studies showing the positive physiological results impact of pets like lowering stress response & blood pressure. The only thing you might want to consider is getting a slightly older dog rather than a tiny puppy or fatigue is an issue so you're less likely to get woken up in the night. Great you are looking at rescue, there’s so many pups that need a good, loving home like you’ll obviously give yours

in reply to SonyaNME

Thanks it is the exercise I miss too although I will have to choose carefully this time, Max and I used to walk miles (he was a border collie) but I'm not up to that now. Good advice about an older dog maybe.

alice_sportyauthor profile image
alice_sportyauthor in reply to

I adopted an older border collie cross from the RSPCA.

Had no ‘extra’ problems with my health since getting her. With both get a bit stiff in the joints in the evening, but walking seems to get us both moving better!

She sleeps downstairs and seems happy with that.

in reply to alice_sportyauthor

Hi alice I'm glad you have had no health problems with your dog, she sounds great. Max used to sleep downstairs too!

Thanks for replying, best wishes.

Lupiknits profile image

I’m another happy dog owner who lets my hound sleep in the bed with me, and I consider him part of my wellbeing package. He gets all his regular vaccinations and worm/flea treatments.

My vets are also aware of my physical health because Blue has developed an autoimmune condition that affects his eyes. They have never hesitated about the annual boosters.

As with others, I catch things from other people!

in reply to Lupiknits

I love how you and others are saying your dogs are part of your wellbeing, almost like medicine ❤.

Definitely looks like this is a possibility for me now 😊

ange726 profile image

I have 2 dogs who are my children and sleep with me and my husband. I don't give it a second thought. Doggy kisses and cuddles are the best. They are fabulous at relieving stress and when I'm having a flare up, they keep me smiling. I just make sure I'm keeping my hands clean etc. Photo please of new pup, if you decide to get one (which I hope you do) xxx

in reply to ange726

Thanks I will keep you informed!

Hopes77 profile image

I've had my dog 9 years and no issues

in reply to Hopes77

Thanks that's great!

Toldyouifeltill profile image

Never given it a thought ! We've had dogs for years and I'm just careful with hygiene, as anyone would hopefully be. Washing hands, no licking my mouth (sometimes miss the odd one), no licking our crockery etc and hand gel if I've poop picked on a walk. I get so much from them, I would risk it anyway ! We had a collie for 15 yrs, and 8 months ago we had another, hated it without one. Go for it - I had forgotten the trials of needle teeth and house training though ! Enjoy !!

in reply to Toldyouifeltill

Hi I love your name by the way! Collie's are great aren't they 😍 although I think I'd probably look for a smaller dog this time. I remember that puppy stage too, crying in the night and training! So worth it though, they are important members of the family and bring such happiness it's therapy wrapped in fur ❤

Toldyouifeltill profile image
Toldyouifeltill in reply to

Well my other baby is a Yorkie so both sizes covered, she's my lap dog - although the pups copying her so.....could be interesting when Tess is older as she's huge already !!

Re-home don't buy. Too many dogs in need of homes.

I have no connection to it but maybe look up Takis Shelter. It's a guy in Crete who has taken rescuing animals to a new level.

in reply to overnighthearingloss

Hi yes definitely going to get a rescue, thanks for the info.

Goldyukr profile image

I don’t have lupus but many other autoimmune issues. I was home so much by myself that I talked my husband into getting us a puppy. He’s my joy and precious companion. But I did not realize how much energy it would take with a puppy. Plus very expensive. So I like someone else’s recommendation of getting a dog that’s a little older and trained some. I am also on azathioprine. I can’t say that I’ve had any problems with sickness from him. He doesn’t sleep In the bed with us but I do put an extra blanket on the bed in the afternoon when he and I nap. I think it’s a wonderful idea!

in reply to Goldyukr

Hi thanks for your reply. That's so cute that he has a nap with you! Yes I don't have as much energy as I used to so no puppy for me.

I can't wait to start looking 😊

GlasgowHen profile image
GlasgowHen in reply to

I have a vet behaviourist friend who told me that playing mental stimulation games with a dog is as tiring as a walk for them. If you google this loads of ideas for those days when the weather is awful or fatigue is bad.

This has really helped me as at times I am just so tired and I felt very guilty. My lovely friend gave me loads of ideas and links to websites and reassured me this was a great thing to do. My children help with these games/ activities and the dogs are very content.

in reply to GlasgowHen

Thanks I know Max used to love finding things we'd hidden in the house and putting food in special toys for him to get out so I'll have a look for other ideas.

So glad I posted now 😊

GlasgowHen profile image
GlasgowHen in reply to

I’m really glad you posted too, dogs are wonderful ( I prefer them to most people!!!) and with a bit of thought how you can manage with your illness you and your pup can have a great time together.

maggielee profile image

Good luck finding your idea furry friend....

The family have two, big girl & little girl (they do have proper names) just the eay I see them...

I was left this week with them & their 'dog-god' my hubby who takes full care of them had to go & help a family member & there I was - dog-god substitute....

My problem is I juggle working all day & a commute, so to walk them in the am & pm has been near next to exhausting....I know it is helping my stamina, but gosh I looking forward to resting this weekend...

Now the little dog has shorter legs easier to walk, big girl just have to have a ball & make her fetch endlessly....

So think lap dog or small bear .....😀 ml

in reply to maggielee

Hi and thanks for replying. I hope you are having a restful weekend and well done for the extra work you have had to do.

Fortunately I'm not working so I would have time to recover between walks, a small bear sounds lovely 😍.

freemare profile image
freemare in reply to

We have three frenchies. Funniest dogs but I’m their slave. 😩😆

maggielee profile image
maggielee in reply to

Oh I wish I had more time to walk them & be able to rest. Took them out for an hour today crossing field etc...then rested 😰 feel better for it...lost the ball though...

My bear is sheep dog/spaniel cross, tall like sheep dog, colouring of spaniel (brown white)with great fluffy ears & tail....lots of energy.... so loves her walks...they will keep you fit...

Survived it all...vacuuming had to be ignored in exchange to fresh air 😄 & keeping up with the dogs....

Sounds like a good plan - hope you find a cutie...lovable bear

Jmiller623 profile image

I also like backpacking and camping. I like rock climbing and open bivvying. My only savior then is a good water filter and good sleeping bag. Obviously, not doing too much of that now but as some would say....God made dirt so dirt don’t hurt.

I keep a light blanket on my bed and my dog is only allowed to sleep on top of that. I hear you but honestly never had a problem with keeping furry friends around. Tested ten times over for allergies, infection and all negative. Kind of done with worrying. If the negative impacts outweighed the good, I’d reconsider.

Although lupus compromises the immune system, it doesn’t cripple it like leukemia, lymphoma, severe immunodeficiency. I’d stay away from pets in these cases.

If the thought of tracking germs and dirt would irk you then a pet might not be the best option for you. Different strokes for different folks. 😁🐶🐕 Woof!

NeuronerdDoaty profile image

It’s live human vaccines you need to be careful with. No dog vaccines will transfer to you. My daughter is a veterinarian and has had me for a mom way too long. I couldn’t be around her baby twice for a few days.

There is now a doggie MSRA though. If your dog get bit for your own health have it checked. There are 4 strains. They carry it. We can get sick from it.

Best of luck everyone💛

Jmiller623 profile image

New study shows dogs reduce premature death by 25% and up to 30% in cardiovascular patients. Could be exercise, could be positive vibes!

Published on Tuesday.

in reply to Jmiller623


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