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Thyroid UK

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All posts for August 2016

Feeling very agitated

Hi. I have Graves' disease, diagnosed in May and on 20 mg of carbimazole a day. ...
Suebu63 profile image

Hashimotos help. ... Please

Hi I'm new to your forum. In 2009 diagnosed with hashimotos prescribed levothyro...
Gmax63 profile image

adding T3? help with test results please...

I've been on T4 only since march now (up to 75mcg now) with a 3 week attempt of ...
purplejuicy profile image
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Paul Robinson's CT3M Protocol

Anyone followed Paul's protocol with success. From watching his vids he was dia...
Jefner profile image

new test results

Hello friends. I know a few of you all that i speak with have been waiting for ...
HASHISmom34 profile image

feeling terrible on t3 only :(

i'm on day 8 now of t3 only and today i feel terrible very hypo worse than i eve...

frustrated even more

Hi everyone, Have been to docs today to show the private test results for myself...
kaz65 profile image

Strange question

I have been take jarrows b12 which have helped a lot And I have noticed a reall...
Rush2112 profile image

blood test results have left me confused, like really confused.

so last week I had restless leg syndrome which is my bodies way of telling me my...
seanto profile image

Living in dispspair with Thyroid

I am in the US and is taking levo 50mcg for years and for a month and a half t3 ...
sassyell profile image

Westhroid meds gone brown

I have some pure westhroid meds which I have gone back to as I have run out of N...
alex232 profile image

Chemo and thyroid S

I have rectal cancer and am thru round 2 of chemo now. Have discovered I had a s...
tbird43 profile image

When is too soon to test?????,

So.. I have 4 tablets left of my synthroid, i just called my endos office to sch...
Hidden profile image

Undiagnosed Hypothyroidism.

About eight years ago I posted on this site about my problem. I had loads of sug...
MrsPage3 profile image

Well the antidepressants didn't work

Hello all, I am on 100mg Levothyroxine, have been for nine months now and for th...
tom210 profile image

Advise on bloods after switching from 100mg levo to T3 + Thyroid s

Hi there Reposting results as earlier pic too feint! Grateful for advice on my b...
chriscross66 profile image

GERD and Hyperthyroid?

Anyone notice a link between and increase in reflux symptoms when hyperthyroid?
Hidden profile image

Info on how to influence decision on T3

Good Afternoon everyone, I am just after some advice please. I was diagnosed und...
mcooper profile image

Confused about blood results

I have been taking NDT for one year.First Naturthroid until April then Westhroid...
Fr23 profile image

Folate and ferritin

Hello again.....thanks to many others on here i have managed to a certain degree...
KGeorge profile image


for all of the supporters of the competition .......... this is the extra DOOZY ...
alangardner profile image

Advice on bloods after dropping Levo.

Hi there. Really grateful for this site and would like some advice on my recent ...
chriscross66 profile image

Buying levothyroxine 25 mcg

Could members please PM me with details of where my sister might be able to obta...
hose1975 profile image

Advice Please

Good Morning Following on from my last post (Vitamin advice) I had my blood tes...
sm05 profile image

Latest results

Ok latest bloods t4 13.6 tsh 16.5 antibodies 1999.0 saw dr today and a scan is n...

RT3 dominance...?

In February, I had labs on 8 grains of Erfa daily (24 h after taking NDT): TSH ...
Hidden profile image

Hi Newbie

Hi, I am really looking for some advice. I was diagnosed with Graves in 2014. I ...
Pamz39 profile image

stress and hypothryoid

Morning. I have been taking levothyroxine for around 16 weeks, increased up in ...
kayw profile image

BH test results and adding T3

Hi, was on 75 levo and have posted results from BH. Thank you to those who repl...
DollyDuck profile image

Cold and sweaty hands

My tft results are T3=5.90pg/ml ,T4=1.17ng/ml and TSH=1.670IU/ml am i suffering ...
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