My tft results are T3=5.90pg/ml ,T4=1.17ng/ml and TSH=1.670IU/ml am i suffering from thyroid? My hands and feets are always sweaty and cold
Cold and sweaty hands: My tft results are T3=... - Thyroid UK
Cold and sweaty hands
Sijan, do you have the ranges for the above results. At first glance it wouldn't appear you do have a problem with thyroid gland. In the meantime this is a link from which may be helpful.
Your thyroid results are euthyroid (normal). You don't appear to have an under active thyroid causing sweaty and cold hands and feet.
I am not a medical professional and this information is not intended to be a substitute for medical guidance from your own doctor. Please check with your personal physician before applying any of these suggestions.
But my T3 result is 5.90 which ranges from 2.77-5.27 is it normal?

Sorry, I missed that. It's not very common to have FT3 over range when TSH and FT4 are normal. A possible reason is an autoimmune attack on your thyroid gland which causes transient thyrotoxicosis as thyroid cells are destroyed and dump hormone into the blood stream.
Your FT3 isn't wildly over range but you should keep an eye on it. I suggest you retest in 3 months to see whether it has risen and whether FT4 and TSH have changed. When you retest ask for thyroid peroxidase and thyroglobulin antibodies to be tested to rule out Hashimoto's which causes 90% of hypothyroidism.
I am not a medical professional and this information is not intended to be a substitute for medical guidance from your own doctor. Please check with your personal physician before applying any of these suggestions.
Ok thankyou very much
What other symptoms do you have? Did they measure your thyroid antibodies?
No they didnt

Go back and ask them to. What other symptoms do you have?
I dont have any other problem...

In that case I'd consider other things, such as Vit D deficiency or Vit B12 deficiency. What other tests has your doctor done?
I havent done other test...but i consult with dermatologist and he says its hyperhydrosis...he gave me alldry lotion but it didnt stop sweating in my hands and feet...its been 14years of sweating in my hand and feet

Telling you it's hyperhydrosis is stating the obvious. It doesn't tell you what is causing it.