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Thyroid UK

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All posts for May 2016

Short synacthen test

I've recently had this test. Results show it's come back normal. Yeah that old c...
sueoathall profile image

Living with no Thyroid since 2006.

Hi there I am new to the site and was hoping to find like people who have underg...
CMBR68 profile image

beta-blockers and rt3

I just read that beta-blockers will increase T4 to rt3 conversion. I had no idea...
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Any advice on when is the best time to take medication?

Hi, Doctor has finally agreed to put me on levothyroxine (50mg). Feeling a bit c...
ada11 profile image

test results

new here. been investigating posssible hypothyroidism. got result of f t4 today ...
elvera111 profile image

Latest test results - info. please

After a good many years I have finally managed to starve, not take my meds and g...
cwill profile image

How to stop seeing my naturopath without being rude?

Hiya people, brief update: went to see a naturopath, she correctly diagnoeed me ...
Hidden profile image

craniopharyngioma - advice needed.

Hi everyone. I'm desperate for some advice. I'm a 36 year old woman who had a cr...
In2theGroove profile image

Healing Hashis Summit Info

Dr Izabella Wentz (PharmD): "I'm pleased to announce that Hashimoto's Awareness...
HEA72 profile image

Thyroid blood Results conundrum! Newbie.

Hi all, I've had many tests due to an anxiety and depression that has gone on fo...
Mbarber profile image

Taking NDT then going back to sleep

Has anyone tried waking up in the night to take their NDT and then going back to...
Rhsana profile image

Endocrinologist recommendations (PM me please)

Hi everyone I'm trying to find a London-based endocrinologist or enlightened doc...
Leoniebabs profile image

Expert online summit on Hashimotos

Check out the Healing Hashimotos summit from 13th-20th June. Lots of fantastic t...
Feelbetter profile image

Question on transitioning/timing

Hi all, I have switched to Thiroyd after over 20 years on levo-only meds. For a...
Hidden profile image

Saliva test results help.

Here are my saliva test results. Can someone help me interpret them and send me...
637elphaba profile image

Flu, swollen lymph nodes back of neck, raging headache, dizziness & fast pulse - Hashimoto's & all since trying to switch to NDT! Help!

Hi, hoping someone can give me some advice on all of the above I've been experie...
purplejuicy profile image

Confused and fed up.

Hi im new here and looking for some advice. I had RAISED 7 weeks ago so had to c...
Chelle87 profile image

New Dr

Hi, I have been seeing a famous Dr from Belgium and with the usual up and downs ...
stockman27 profile image

Myxoedema or Cushings???

Myxoedema or cushings??Hi. I'm new to here and you all seem very supportive. My ...
Beingamum profile image

Hemoglobin, iron, and vitamin B12 deficiencies and high blood homocysteine levels in patients with anti-thyroid autoantibodies

OK - small sample. OK - selection according to relatively low incidence other di...
helvella profile image

Conversion problem

Hello everyone, Im 34, Hashimoto for 6 years, january this year I crashed from s...
Hidden profile image

Does anyone know of an Adrenal Cortex I could use. Also does Thorne Adrenal Cortex have cortisol in it?

Hi there, I just wondered if anyone knows of an Adrenal Cortex I could use. I've...
TJM3 profile image

Any Doctor that can help?

Hello please can someone help I have been on Thyroxine for about seven years and...
MIckeyrow profile image

Thyroid function test

Hi all, I wondered if anyone could explain my results. Back ground is I was diag...
Jc46 profile image

Sensitive teeth.

My lower front teeth have been aching for the past couple of months and I am won...
C70rol profile image

Hypothyroid Symptoms/Hyperthyroid Bloods

Hi everyone, I am hoping someone can shed some light or help me as I am getting ...
DavyB profile image

Diet and supplement help please

Brief summary: CFS, hypothyroidism and total bed-based with no real brain power ...
cwill profile image

Low BMI and Antibodies

This may be a silly question but are women with low BMI likely to be affected mo...
Hidden profile image

Pregnancy & b12

ok just had my tsh results of 1.07 lowest yet and my b12 is down too 379 from 60...
nettiboo1982 profile image

Nature-Throid and Supplements Interaction

Hi Everyone, I hope someone out there can clarify as I am a little confused! I a...
Rhsana profile image