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Thyroid UK

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All posts for February 2014

which one would you increase?

I have been taking 50mcg of levothyroxine and 25mcg of T3, self medicating, just...
susie59 profile image

I have stopped taking T3 due to heavy hair loss

I have stopped taking T3 due to heavy hair loss. I was on 150mg and doing great....
Karispitit profile image

Testing for Adrenal Fatigue

Can anyone tell me how reliable is the saliva test for the Adrenal Stress Profil...
Suzy61Taylor profile image
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Private Thyroid Ultrasound & Endocrinology

Hi All, I have been told by my GP that I have a Goitre. Having battles for month...
Essex21 profile image

I'm 42 with a history of recurrent miscarriage and infertility. I've been having reflexology for 1 year & having trouble getting diagnosed.

Bloody tests which suggest I have an underactive thyroid which can't be diagnose...

Do I need a script to order armour thyroid?

DanBrown profile image

Hypo Thyroid diagnostics Chart.

Thought this might give someone a lift today. Very amusing I thought :)
real_mission profile image

Hi I will move to bristol in april can anybody recommend me a good endo near bristol or around who prescribes natural thyroid?? Thanks

Hidden profile image

Been taking 50 mcg thyroxine since September. Bloods apparently now normal (oct) retest). Still have joint,bone pain and fatigue but last

Two weeks overheating especially at night. Am nearly 60. Only feel 60 per cent...
Thyr0id profile image

My serum folate level is 5.3ug/L range (3.0 - 17.0) do I need to supplement?

With symptoms of air hunger, unable to sustain a regular exercise routine, irrit...

Link between Fibromialgia / Hashi's and Thyroid?

My daughter has been diagnosed as suffering from Fibromyalgia and has suffered f...
Loobs39 profile image

I've just had my bloods back and also my read out say is Plasma TSH level 3.01mU/L. (0.35-5.5) & my result is ok

But I'm feeling tired all the time & my shoulders & neck ache all the time I hav...
Mousey3 profile image

Supplements and questions about Hemithyroidectomy

Hello, So I have just phoned the hospital and said that I wish to go ahead with...
wysewoman profile image

hi I have just joined this site as I have been suffering with graves for a long time could anyone tell me the correct tsh levels for this .

I have had no treatment for this for about 10 yrs now as doctors always tell me ...
doro17 profile image

errr embarrassed!!! Snoring, is it thyroid related?

Am driving my lovely husband out of bed with this...... was diagnosed with Grave...
tilly83 profile image

Hi im hypo but have panics etc has anyone any ideas how i can calm down all this adrenaline i have its raging around my body today like mad,

i just dont know what to do about it any more, all my bloods are normal accordin...
kimbo profile image

4 year old with graves

hi my poor daughter was diagnosed with graves disease over a year ago. it took a...
poppit profile image

Is there anyone out there who is taking an over the counter iron supplement that has really done the trick?

Vibrating inside. Hyperthryoidism? Any experience?

Hi I have a multinodular goitre. Thyroid tests are generally 'normal' but two r...
Parksie7 profile image

Who Needs A Thyroid? " Endo Visit Today" replies

Sorry ,I should have put the request to see my poem by all of you who kindly rep...
Hidden profile image

Can anybody tell me what happens after thyroid surgery I mean express, does carb works for hyperthyroid

Okubadejo profile image

Levothyroxine & Contraception.... Does any form of contraception affect your thyroid medication?

teyris profile image

Any help would be appreciated

I’m sorry to rant but I don’t know who else will understand how I feel. I have s...
LadyPenelope profile image

Endo redeemed, a good consultation and outcome...

6 months ago I had a disastrous consultation, was assured FBC was fine and there...
Clutter profile image

Results of TSH & FT4 taken same day at 2 different hospitals:

Following some discussion about timing of TFTs I'm posting results taken at 2 di...
Clutter profile image

Apparently, starting this year, private companies will be able to buy information on us from the NHS’s new universal patient database.

More here:
sisa1975 profile image

Does the swelling around your eyes ever go?

Ive had Graves since 2009 when pregnant and my eyes were very red and swollen. I...
sbrady profile image

I keep getting a strange tightening in my stomach ....... Makes me feel winded

Has anybody else experienced anything like this? It feels very odd like my centr...
Hidden profile image

Endo visit today.......

Just getting over my disappointment of my Endo visit today. Would you believe th...
Hidden profile image

Had"skanky patch" above one eye that has now spread to below the eye. Tried many creams.. Any ideas? I guess Levo dose is wrong,dr doesn't??

Chezp profile image