I have been taking 50mcg of levothyroxine and 25mcg of T3, self medicating, just started to feel a bit hypo and want to carry on until I get to feeling ok again, I would value any opinions on which to increase, or perhaps even increase both? thanks.
which one would you increase? : I have been... - Thyroid UK
which one would you increase?

I increased T3 myself while reducing T4 to an eventual zero. I felt so much better. Of course, everyone is different. The main thing is 'how we feel'. You would soon know if you took too much and just miss the next day's dose. It is all trial and error. Some prefer a mixture, some NDT and some T3 alone.
Thanks Shaws, that does make a lot of sense, as you say, I would know soon enough with the T3 due to the nature of how it works and hopefully that would give me the answer before increasing T4 which would take a lot longer to judge and harder to correct if it was the wrong decision.
Don't know why I didn't think of that! talk about brain fog!
It's such a minefield but worth it if it gets us to feeling fairly normal again!
thanks again for your input.
Have your read Dr Lowe's link re T3?
No, I haven't, I read Paul Robinsons book, Recovering with T3, was very helpful, I will give Dr Lowes a read though, all knowledge is helpful! Thanks.
Pressed wrong button - thus you have 'last edited etc'. Dr Lowe took T3 himself and one of his books sells on Amazon for an astonishing £760!
I'd increase one at a time. I'd try increasing T3 first as if it was me I would know almost straight away if I'd done the right thing, whereas it takes me longer to tell if an increase in Levo is right. You'll split your T3 into different doses? (I do, some others don't). Good luck
Hi I would not increase either without a blood test, on line? TSH T4 and Free t3.In some people ( as me) the hypo and hyper symptoms can be identical. The good rule is a blood test before any alterations in meds. t4 ideally should be in top third of range and FT3 near the top, never over. This is if on treatment.
Best wishes,
Thanks Jackie, I used to be on 125/150 of T4, so I am still under so to speak, that was what GP put me on eventually, had enough after 3 years, so started again so to speak, the lab won't let my practice test for T3/4, just TSH, so I am going on how I feel and symptoms etc,
can't afford a private one just yet, I did have one last year though,
thanks for reply,
I hate to make a reputation for myself for talking about this ALL THE TIME but constipation is for me the only hypo symptom to count on. When I'm on enough meds it goes away and when my meds are a little high it goes in the opposite direction. So in theory you could raise your meds a little and see what our insides tell you.
Hyper/hypo symptoms can be v alike but this one is not. Paul Robinson's also recommends it in his book as a way to gauge where you are with your meds.
Hi, I was terribly constipated! not so much now though, so must be something in it! think we have to listen to our bodies,
thanks and good luck,
Does that include conversion issues??
Do you mean whether the T4 (levo) was converting to T3 beaton?
Yes Susie.
not sure really, the levo used to be ok on its own, but all the hypo symptoms started to come back, so I slowly reduced T4 right down and started slowly adding the T3, I will get a private test, but can't afford to get one just yet, (and also need another one later), what are your views? all advice is appreciated.
Hi Susie, It's difficult for one person to advise you.like you say all advice is needed. Each of us seem to suffer and recover differently. I'm three weeks into Paul Robinsons T3 plan,thanks to my understanding GP.(after four years on T4 and no better.) So far I am feeling much better in myself,although temps are still low. I've lost an inch off my waist and I am no where so tired. Take advice and get your bloods checked,then see what suits you. Good luck.xx
Hi Not sure if this is what you want. if you have THS, T4 and Free T3 tested, this is the only way to see if you have a conversion problem. Not enough T4 converting to FT3. In that case , especially more so if FT3 low and TSH high, do you need some T3 and sometimes, a little less T4.. T4 should only need to be in top third of range and Ft3 must always be in range.
thanks Jackie, last NHS test, TSH was suppressed,
0.12 (0.35 - 5.0 ), that was nearly 4 weeks ago when I had been adding T3 for approx. 5 weeks, not a great deal of help without full test I know, but thought upping T3, would suppress it more? so is why I wasn't sure which one to increase? but I can tell how I feel with the higher T3, I just added another 12.5 mcg dose, hope all this makes sense?
I do value your input, thanks again.
Hi Susie,
Yes, upping the T3 is likely to suppress THS more., mine is immeasurable and I have to go by T4 and FT3 .This is not the best solution but some people, like me ,have "funny" blood. FT3 below range without treatment.
Synthetic T3 does take 4-6 weeks too be at maximum.