Can anyone tell me how reliable is the saliva test for the Adrenal Stress Profile Kit from Genova Diagnostics. I have read somewhere within a previous post that it will only indicate a positive/negative if you are suffering with Addisons. Is it not reliable for Adrenal Fatigue? £97 is a lot of money to part with if it's not a test for Adrenal Fatigue. I received my kit in the post this morning, all ready to carry out tomorrow. I would be grateful for any advice please.
Testing for Adrenal Fatigue: Can anyone tell me... - Thyroid UK
Testing for Adrenal Fatigue

It's the short synacthen (spelling?) test that only detects addisons. The adrenal saliva kit takes 4 saliva tests at different times of the day, so it shows you if you have highs, lows or a mixture. It was that test that started me on the road to working out what my problems are.
Good discussion and an explanation of the saliva test:
Thank you Heloise. My brain is simply buzzing with all these concepts. I'm newly diagnosed with Hypothyroidism and my doctor is keen to explore the adrenal side of things. The most significant of symptoms for me is my ever fluctuating temp, pulse and BP. Because I'm still trying to stay as fit as I possible can (ultra marathon runner) when I come back from a power walk/run and immediately take my observations.
My BP is 81/52 (pulse 71) and my temperature is only 32 C. My temperature will only climb to 35.5 in the evenings when I'm resting in front of the fire and having enjoyed a family meal. And yes, when I'm out there it is a real struggle, but as yet I can't get to grips with not exercising. I've become a painfully slow runner (power walker) when training. My recovery is poor and I'm feeling anxious about all the events that I know I'm not going to be able to compete in. How can this have happened in a relatively short space of time (3 months approx).
Well you sound like my daughter. She has run four marathons and countless 5k's and half marathons. Now in her forties she is hypothyroid. I sent her an article that latest findings show that athletes often create hypothyroidism due to their over consumption of exercise. Interesting theory.
I think your doctor is quite sharp to center on the adrenals. My theory is most of us are having adrenal issues, glucose issues or menopause in causing low thyroid. And there is also iodine deficiency. This functional medicine doctor mentions 22 reasons for low thyroid. But if your doctor is correct and knows how to treat adrenals your condition may improve. I know many people go to Dr. Peat and he treats both.
This is a short 5-min. video which indicates the various processes contributing to low thyroid.
Hello again Heloise. I too wonder if it's the amount of training I do that has caused my issues. I usually do something most days. If I'm not running then I'm pushing weights, swimming or cycling. (Active rest from running)! I work part time as well and have a family of 5 children who don't need looking after as such, but one of my sons has Crohns and still needs support.
I truly believe I will get better from this but maybe the only way is to ease up a little. I've competed here in the UK as well as overseas and done remarkably well and its hard to unwind from it all. Our bodies are designed to be active and the mental well being for me is second to none.
In the meantime I'll just keep listening and reading these posts as there is a wealth of knowledge amongst you all. Any advice is truly welcome. Many thanks
Hi My Endo tells me, and I have also found, that the only reliable test is a 24 hour urine collection, with a cortisone tablet at midnight and a blood test at 9am. This is available but not encouraged NHS, or gP could refer you to a private lab , at a private hospital. In that case shop around as prices vary, then easiest if GP a bit thick to ask the Lab to fill the form in and just ask GP to sign it. Cortisone, script from GP.
best wishes,
Jackie's your bodies way of expressing that something is not quite right. The Thyroid is the Mastergland of Metabolism. We rarely ask the supplementary question - what is metabolism ? Every cell in our body - 9 trillion or so - needs thyroid hormones. So when the thyroid hormones are low then it makes sense that other parts of the body become less efficient. Think electrical circuits in the house - when one point is down the whole lot suffers....
Do hope the Adrenal Tests will be part of the puzzle for you.... Please taste the moment and not worry about what might have been....when you are well you will be able return to your competitive lifestyle and the pleasure it brings you.....
With the Genova test, you get a graph with the normal and optimum levels through the day on it and a line showing your levels (with numbers also).
GP is very unlikely to take any notice of it, as NHS treats only full Addisons or Cushings.
Interesting! At least the test will paint a fuller picture for me. No part of the bodily systems work in isolation, so if I have Primary Hypothyroidism surely there has to be a link with the Adrenal Glands.