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Thyroid UK

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All posts for December 2018

Any advise for endo appointment?

I have been on my hypo journey for over 10 years now (previously Graves) and sin...
nutrenkta profile image


Hi, I am panicking because I suddenly cannot see the uk T3 company who I have be...
Blackbird28 profile image

New test results

I can’t understand why this has now shot back up again. It was dropping back int...
Haze1975 profile image
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About people sending T3 from other countries

Hello, I've been taking T3 only for around 18months and I have only just recentl...
Bellerin profile image

Urine iodine test

Very briefly,my daughter is very poorly with fibromyalgia and severe mental heal...
Tanyaking profile image

First time T3 treatment, help needed :/

Hello everyone, this is my first post and I would like to start by saying thank ...
yasasasasa profile image

Thyroid has grown back

Hi everyone I had a thyroidrectmy feb 2017 due to a misdiagnosed of thyroid canc...
Tiredmum75 profile image


I was diagnosed with under active thyroid 6 weeks ago. Have been on Eltroxin 25 ...
Oudh profile image

NDT and Gastric Upset?

Has anyone experienced adverse reaction to NDT re bloating, nausea, indigestion ...
wagnermia profile image

Blue Horizon Blood Results

Re posting my results as I’ve only had one person give me their opinion on them....
Karenlb64 profile image

How does illness / infection affect thyroid levels?

Winter is a difficult time for many with lots of bugs and infections going round...
MissFG profile image

Could my thyroxin dose be causing my ME?

Recently diagnosed with ME so on the journey... for about 8 years however I have...
Seadog66 profile image

Blood tests on Thursday

Hi everyone. I have my 6 week blood tests on Thursday at my GP’s first appointm...
SusanAR profile image

Increased Levothyroxine 75 to 125

Hi Folks Been to see endo my Range is still too high after 3 months on 75 Levo n...
rushel profile image

Yet another increase?

So winter is looming and I feel like I may need another increase. Been on ndt fo...
Jodypody profile image

Cows, Bloating, Methane and You

The fourth episode of "Interconnected" deals with toxins. Dr. Kenneth Brown spo...
Heloise profile image

Levothyroxine and messed up period

Hello, My periods were regular (28 days), I was ovulating but because I couldn't...
Flowerflower profile image

T3 question

Hello, I've been taking T3 only for around 18months and I have only just recentl...
Bellerin profile image

Endocrinologist appointment

O.K, I'm not sure if going to the Endocrinologist was a good has left ...
Yammie1973 profile image

Indentions on top of head

Have the same issue…Dr said the fatty tissue is disappearing & is what is causin...
Firesong profile image


Just raised my ndt from 2.5 grains to 2 3/4 grains this is my 6th day and I’m ge...
flo-jo100 profile image

My blood TSH level is 56. It is dangerous? I'm trying to conceive a baby... My age is just 24

My blood TSH level is 56. It is dangerous? I'm trying to conceive a baby..
Ammukunju profile image

My lab results

Hi everyone, I had a lab test in September and the doctor only tested my tsh and...
Cavalli13 profile image

Help interpreting my results

Hi I hope you can help with interpreting my recent results. I take 2.5 grains o...
genileris profile image

Dark nights and mornings!

I have Hashimotos and find that when the clocks change in October, I have a flar...
beanyjeany profile image

Any advice?

I saw the Endocrinologist in August. At the time I was told my TSH was 0.02, Fr...
Pinebunny profile image

Boarderline hyperthyroid

Im currently on a course of regular testing as my results are boarderline hypert...
Tiggs76 profile image

Hyper to hypothyroidism, anxiety, anemia and low kidney function..

I was diagnosed at 16 with hyperthyroidism and was put on carbimazole and propra...
Hypo_juan profile image

Paper showing links between PCOS and subclinical hypothyroidism

A recent meta-analysis has shown a statistica link between polycystic ovary synd...
diogenes profile image

How long to get back after a week of 12.5 more t4?

How long does it take for blood results to show true results after I've been tak...
Clara9 profile image