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Thyroid UK

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All posts for October 2016

First week of Nature-thyroid feel worse.

My first week of Nature-thyroid feel worse, symptoms of nausea and constant migr...
Congirl profile image

Endo in Leeds, Harrogate or Manchester - any recommendations?

Hello, Just wanting to know if anyone can point me in the direction of a good en...
Helena877 profile image

Underactive thyroid

Taking levothyroxine 150 mcg. Feeling down, pains within lower back, stressed, ...
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Getting adrenal and thyroid function tests - will this help?

I have been diagnosed with autoimmune/Sjogrens syndrome and interstitial lung di...
whisperit profile image

Could I have anemia?

Hi all. I'm a 37 year old man with high serum folate 21.7 and low b12 227 I also...
Martin_N profile image

lower high cortisol

what other than holy basil can i take my 3rd i s the highest and thats when my h...
mandy72 profile image

Asprin and K2

Does anyone know anything about taking K2? I need some advice. I advised my fat...
MidnightBlue profile image

Three weeks post diagnosis and not sure which way to turn - is it possible to reverse hypothyroidism by diet and lifestyle?

Good afternoon, I have been suffering symptoms for about 18months, freezing col...

Dr Mike Baxter

I am seeing this doctor tomorrow. If anyone has seen him could you please PM me ...
rustysmum profile image

hypo symptoms have reappeared since change of weather so I am slightly wary, not to say scared

I have been supplementing (with all the usual vitamins), adding a 10mcg of T3 ev...
mii101 profile image

Newly Diagnosed Graves Disease

Hi, I was diagnosed with mild Graves Disease about 8 weeks ago, I was on Neo Mer...
Barnzey profile image

Hypothyroid Diet

Hi All, I was just wondering if someone could explain the diet recommendations ...
plokmijnuby profile image

Advice about switching from T3 to NDT

Hi all, I am currently on 30mcg daily of T3 only. I have never managed to get a...
caz77 profile image

T3 arrived and no noticeable effects after titration, so confused 😕

Hello you wonderful lot, So got my European liothyronine 25ug a while ago and ha...
MrsJim profile image

Need advice please

For those who don't know I'm Hashimotos, left undiscovered for 20years + althoug...
Katepots profile image

Returning fatigue on T3/T4 combo

I've been taking the T3/T4 combo for about 7 weeks now. For the first 6 weeks I ...
LFE12 profile image

Confused by new format

It's been a while since I logged on but now I have I am trying to search for any...
Steni profile image


I am a female with hypothyroid/Hashimotos.I recently dropped 30lbs in 4 months b...
sled profile image

Levothyroxine, omeprazole, vitamin D, statins and painkillers...all tips welcome

Hello all. This is my first post. It is good to see a supportive 'forum' and it ...
Lyndles profile image

Can levo make you jittery?

Good morning everyone. I'm after some advice again please..... My dose was upped...
Zuzka1 profile image


Does anyone else suffer from horrible hives? This is kind of a new symptom, but ...
nonameslob profile image

When to start my T3?

Hi all, endocrinologist has finally given me a trial of Liothyronine(T3) 10mcg a...
Tarajp123 profile image

Blood test due but I have a cold and cough.

I have a blood test booked for 3 days time but I have a cold virus, this is my s...
Firinne profile image

I cant sleep properly at night,I'm suffer from eating disorder,either not eating or binge eating, depression, anxious, and sad.

Im 24 years old , Female my mom and a serious stroke when i was 17 my dad abando...
Dian0409 profile image

BBC to investigate people being denied effective drugs on the basis of cost

Well, it seems that we managed to swing the vote. Thanks to everyone who put the...
dolphin5 profile image

Benign tumours on ovaries and adrenal glands

How serious would this be for an 80 year old kady
Hather profile image

any vapers have high cortisol

just trying to see if vaping can increase cortisol (looking for a reason really)...
mandy72 profile image

Prolactinoma causing hypo - everything

TSH - 1.32 (0.27-4.2) TT4 - 59.96 (66-181) TT3 - 1.13 (1.2-3.1) FT4 -13.56 (12.3...
Maldives2016 profile image

thinking postertive and up lifting things about having thyroid illness you are in control don't let thyroid beat you

over active tyriod
jessie1962 profile image

New member – needs some advice and reassurance!

Hi I've been following the excellent threads on this forum for a while, and woul...
Hidden profile image