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Thyroid UK

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All posts for September 2013

my uncle not well , and in hospital , i saw his notes and his tsh is 26, t4 12 , could this be making him worse ?

christina profile image

Pressure in head ringing of ears feeling dizy and sick so tired anyone experienced this...

Denne profile image

Some good news

I thought it would be nice to share some positive news with you all. I've been ...
RubyTuesday profile image
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A poem which is not thyroid related!

MEMORIES OF MY FATHER (I never really told you how much I loved you.) You wer...
marram profile image

Radioactive thyroid scan

Hi all I finally saw my endo last Monday who has confirmed graves. He has double...
Elh1965 profile image

vitamins and minerals

what dosages of vitamins and minerals should i be taking for hypothyroidism. i a...
helvon profile image

Healthy? ***** you Thyroid!

Quiet for amfew months, ok, nearly 6 months! A lot has changed. Moved out (or ki...
Thyroidplague profile image

Blood results please advise, thoughts, recommend etc. Recent results after 18 months of yoyo-ing

TSH 0.06 (range 0.35-5.00 T4 12.4 (range here says 7-20) I've always been told 1...
Bassetmum profile image

hi any vegetarian people here with under active thyroid?

im just wondering what kind of diet you follow to help improve your symptons. iv...
nettiboo1982 profile image

Can anyone tell me where on the new site I can find details of Genova diagnostics, etc.

Lawoman profile image

im so confused been told i have under active thyroid

hi i had a baby 11 months ago and have been getting more and more tired since so...
nettiboo1982 profile image

Chronic fatigue and brain fog disappearing fast since i had asymptomatic root canal extracted

It's pretty amazing, i noticed a difference within days and a month later, i hav...
Hidden profile image

My first post .

A was diagnosed with graves and hyperthyroid of June this year am miserable and ...
Topher0709 profile image

Problem accessing questions posts for 'members only'.

I still can't get the hang of this 'new improved' system. I'm STILL being asked...
Hidden profile image

I was diagnosed underactive 20 years ago . Had tt jan 2012 doc gives me prescription and bloods but what else should I be doing.

I read here of people trying armour???? Trying new diets etc and I haven't a clu...
helen0812 profile image

First period since being on meds and my period is still going after 10days!! Is this normal??

Serena01 profile image

Can anyone please help me interpret my latest blood results? Currently taking 100mcg Levothyroxine but continue to feel exhausted, achy etc

Latest results: please can anyone help me interpret? TSH: 0.72mU/L (range: 0.30...
Hidden profile image

The role of Homocysteine with B12 and Folate.

A 'not too deep' explanation of Homocysteine, an amino acid produced from diet a...
tegz profile image

A/E yesterday

sorry i did update my post yesterday with this but not sure if anyone seen or no...
mandy72 profile image


I would like to try armour, but I can not find a Doctor who prescribes Armour. I...
jlhoy profile image

Has anybody had the feeling of tightness/constriction in the neck. Feels a bit like it did when I had mumps at 16.

My eyes also feel uncomfortable when this happens. If I was't hypothyroid I wou...
sandysnow profile image

Hi all 4weeks after tt voice still hoarse and low, is this normal

Tatty10 profile image

appetite gone

i know you cant have diet pills while on levo but can you have like slim fast or...
mandy72 profile image

Armour thyroid to buy

I have had a trial of armour thyroid 50 ug daily for a week from a close friend....
gimi-energy profile image

Reply to this

If you wish to respond to any EXISTING reply (on a Question or a Post), then ple...
helvella profile image


I've had an underactive thyroid for 13 years, always asked for printouts over th...
ElspethMann profile image

Cytomel online

Please help - Where is the best / most reliable place to buy cytomel online
Amanda66 profile image

Are we( thyroiders )entitled to a free flue jab on nhs?

Tatty10 profile image

can hypo make you really dizzy even if it started before my bloods showed anything? im just slightly hypo with no other symptoms but vertigo

im only on 25mcg levo for two months. these levels are normal as of last week nt...
danid1989 profile image

Update from US

So I posted about 3 months ago querying whether or not thyroid nodules should al...
lisahammock profile image