sorry i did update my post yesterday with this but not sure if anyone seen or not so reposting
Oh boy had a fun day in A\E heart been racing seen dr for emergency ecg this morning and referred A/E for further tests tonnes of bloods taken and a few ecg's and chest x ray later they tell me im over weight which is causing breathlessness my thyroid is causing palapatations so been told to lose weight and give up smoking. Chatted with dr about the weight and she said as long as my thyroid is out of whack i cant do anything but once it levels out i can start to lose it. Need lung function test done and see a diatitian allso may have sleep apena along with carbohydrates intolerance......the reason for all the fuss was prolonged QT i looked on google to see what it was and came across this
Due to pathological conditions
Hypothyroidism, a condition of low function of the thyroid gland, can give QT prolongation at the electrocardiogram. Acute hypocalcemia causes prolongation of the QT interval, which may lead to ventricular dysrhythmias.
A shortened QT can be associated with hypercalcemia.[20]
i was a wreck on way to hospital and broke down in the hospital.........all because of my thyroid
heres where i got the info from
my heart is still racing today i have no appetite allthough forced myself to eat dinner but felt ill after and my breathing is still off.....calling dr monday to see if she will up dose by 25mcg so hopefully can pick them up too as only have 50mcg here