First period since being on meds and my period ... - Thyroid UK
First period since being on meds and my period is still going after 10days!! Is this normal??

Hi Serena
Please can you give some more details:
Dosage and make of meds
Any other symptoms
How long have you been on meds
Latest thyroid bloods, including the ranges
How were your periods before treatment?
All of this information will help people to better offer support..
Hi thanks for your reply.. I am so upset right now as feel rubbish and very emotional!!
I am under active.. So have hypo. I am on levothyroxine 75mcg. Not sure of blood tests result.
Just had my 6 weeks blood test and awaiting results!
Before treatment periods were every 30 days and lasted 3-5days not 10!
Thanks again!! Feeling so alone with finding this out!
Also my hair is thinning!!
Just to confirm - you are newly diagnosed?
Was your hair thinning before starting levo?
What is the make of your levo? Or are you on 50mcg of one and 25mcg of another....
Do you take your levo with water only, at least an hour before food and not with any supplements?
Just trying to get the 'full' picture..!

Thank you so much just for responding!! I have two kids 4 and 2 and this has thrown me!! I keep feeling so down and once I have something in my mind I cannot shake it!!
Nope my hair was fine before but I was really stressed 3 months ago and two weeks ago got a small patch of alopecia!! But it seems to be ok now.. So now I am constantly checking my hair!!
My tabs are 50mcg actavis
+ 25mcg wockhardt.
Its worrying me not being myself that I think I would of rathered being tired for an hour a day then having all of this!!
Thanks again sxx
It doesn't matter at all to some people, but other people don't get on very well mixing their levo - just something to bear in mind...
Hairloss can be a short term side effect of the meds - it is listed in the PIL...
Do you know what your levels were on diagnosis?
People are generally started on 25 or 50..

Thanks I don't know my levels didnt think to ask until now! Will book doc app Moro and hopefully will be ok soon!! Will ask them not to mix the tablets! Thanks again x
Pop back with your results - including the reference ranges (numbers in brackets). Both your new ones and the ones before diagnosis.
As I said, doesn't affect everyone..... and the reason they have mixed them is that Actavis don't do a 25mcg.. Some people end up splitting a 50 into two. But I shouldn't worry too much at the mo - might not be a problem anyway. Didn't mean to worry you.. was just something to bear in mind.
Ok thanks.. Xx
Hi Serena,
So sorry that you are having a difficult time. I am responding because I seem to have very similar symptoms to yourself. I too am fairly recently diagnosed and currently on 75mcg of levo. I too have been suffering from some hair loss and "strange" periods. Hope it helps to know that you are not alone!! If you are under-the-weather you are bound to feel anxious. I don't know if the following will help but.........
I am still on a very steep learning curve re. hypothyroidism, but it is my understanding that menstrual problems (inc. heavy periods) are one of the symptoms. That was certainly the case for me. As I have gradually increased my dose of thyroxine from 25mcg then to 50 and then to 75 mcg over the last several months things period-wise have been rather unpredictable - regular......but unpredictable!! (sometimes unusually long....but then next time very short!). I am putting this down to the fact that thyroxine is a hormone and as my body adjusts hormonally speaking things are bound to be changing. (VERY SCIENTIFIC!!) You mention that you are going to see your GP, I am sure they will be able to re-assure you/refer you. I was seeing a gynaecologist from January- May due to the fact that my heavy periods had made me VERY anaemic. Anaemia is something you should really keep an eye on. (It is my understanding that anaemia can cause hair loss?? Maybe somebody else could comment on this.)
Re. the hair. There is a very useful section in "Living Well With Hypothyroidism" by Mary Shomon (pgs 350-353). I found this whole book very helpful. I was suffering hair loss for 12-18 months before diagnosis but then it has continued since (not sure whether that is still due to the hypothyroidism - my last GP wouldn't move me on from 25 mcg - or a side effect of the levo). Only just started on the 75 mcg about three weeks ago (My new GP did the full range of thyroid tests including T3 which in July was still below range so not surprised that still suffering symptoms.) Funnily enough, just over the last few days I have thought that the hair loss seems to be slowing down......but not sure. It was temporary for Mary Shomon too....BUT a very useful barometer of how you are physically speaking.
I do hope that you get sorted out. It can feel like a very lonely place can't it when all this physical "stuff" is going on. Am I right in thinking that you are still only about six weeks into treatment?? That is still early days, I think things will be settling down.
Hi thanks so much for your reply! My husband thinks he understands but doesn't really. I am 32 and keep thinking really bad things are happening to me. For example I will get a horrid disease! I know its me feeling emotional about things and the tabs I am sure are making me really hormonal!
I will get the book you recommended. But I feel my doc just gave me tab and told me to go away and that within days I will be better!! (Male doc!)
So many people have told me scary things about thyroid And I want to stop listening and reading but just cannot!! Thanks for making me feel like I am not alone!
The worst thing is I felt tired before but that's it!! Now I have all the other symptoms!!
I will go to the docs but I am only week 6 so need to wait for results before they can change my dosage!! Xx
When I was on levo my cycle went from 23 days to plus 40 and bleeding from 4 to 10. Truely awful experience, not sure what age you are but be wary of doctors telling you it is the menopause. I changed to NDT and cycle IMMEDIATELY went back to normal cycle and bleeding length. If you look back lots over the previous posts lots of women have raised similar questions to you. In my opinion I think the Levo does effect the cycle.
hi serena im new too this too found out thursday i too am really scared about what im reading ive been given 125mg starting dose which i queried as its a big jump from nothing was told 50mg would be no good im super confused by this as for me tiredness was the main factor. im going to book too see female doctor tomorrow none of this makes much sense right now
Hi it's awful that doctors don't really prepare you for the effects or at least tell you what will happen. I cannot seem to find any helpful sites and feel lucky to have found this one.
I will go and see a lady doc Moro as I just want some reassurance!! Xx
Have you had a recent smear? I Might be worth it to be on the safe side.I had a harmless cervical polyp which bled as part of my hormonal cycle.And mid cycle eventually. I had it removed, an outpatient procedure.Uterine fibroids can cause similar symptoms.
I think you need to see the doc basically.
Hi yep. I had smear in dec and had to have some cells taken out but now have the all clear. The bleeding is slowing down so think its just an extra long period! But will check just incase! X gosh there is so many side effects I just wasn't prepared for!
I don't think the polyp was connected to being hypothyroid. Fibroids and polyps are very common, between 20 and 80 % of women have them; race and family history area factor and they usually require no treatment and are best left alone unless you have symptoms. Many women don't realise they have them. Mine was easyish to get to and literally snipped off with scissors. Apologies for too much information! I had ultrasound and the uterus was clear. If it had have been in the uterus I would have left it there especially as I was approaching the menopause when they shrink and because its location would not have caused problems. Ultrasound would have picked up any uterine fibroids. Your body is probably just settling re hormones.
Hi, serena.
I'm 28 and was diagnosed hypo in june, I was super scared too but you do feel better. I have 2 little ones aswell and that in its self can make things harder. I'v come to realise we are who we are and its much more common than I ever thought it was, I always thought it only happened to older people.
Anyways back to the periods, I thought I was lucky after having my youngest who's just turned 3 because I'd only had 1 period since her birth I jus put it down to breast feeding for two years. When I started on 50mcg of levo I came on almost straight away, it lasted 2 weeks but not really heavy, prior to that they where alwat 3-5 days but super heavy so have been on the pill since 15 to help regulate although my cycle was still 21-42days. I'v jus finshed my second period since june and that lasted 10days. I just wanted to assure you really that things will get better. Big hugs. Xxxxsazzlesxxxxx
Thank you so very much! I am truly grateful for all the responses!! This weekend has been tough as I have been crying most of it.
Its so good to know that you periods lasted longer I don't even mind but I just kept thinking it must be something else to why I am bleeding for so long!!
Did you hair thin?? Are you on the correct dosage now? Xx
Stressing yourself out about it is going to make it worse, believe me. This is a mind-body disease. Go and do something relaxing, have a "Me" day It is something all thyroidies need to do.
Long before my overactive thyroid diagnosis, it was not unusual for me to have a 2-week long period. For the most part all to do with stress.
Thank you! Going away this weekend to Milan with my hubby so hopefully will de stress!! My period has never gone on this long and feels like another horrid effect of the tabs!!
Its so hard not to stress as I keep looking at my hairline in the mirror praying it doesn't fall out!!!! Xx
Hi all.. Just wanted to say a huge thank you for replying so fast to me when I needed support!!
My levels have gone to normal and are 0.42 on 75mg of levo so it must be working! I am less tired, hair appears to be growing back. And only prob now is my weight which is probably ballooning Due to my increased diet!! So will see in a month if healthy eating will bring it down!! But big thanks xx