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All posts for July 2013

Help with Armour and high bp please

Have managed to get myself up to 1.5 grains of armour, no levo, feeling ok, just...
Princesspea profile image

Update Time!....

Hiya ! I thought id write another update on my progress so far. I'm sorry i hav...

Comments on my blood results gratefully awaited.I really should understand it better.

Dr agreed for me to have last 3 blood results July 2012=serum TSH 0.02mu/l ...
pottyrai profile image
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anyone help with carbimaziole please?

I started taking it yesterday, my dose is 40mg. I've now got a sore throat and ...
Karen72 profile image

Wow, so glad I found this place

Just want to say a big thank you to everyone who has posted on my previous blog ...
adamskylark profile image

Can anyone help

Hi just wondering if anyone can help me im being kept in suppression following t...
chaddley20 profile image

Graves sufferer on no medication waiting for thyroid removal op in 10 days time , worried I am about to get a rush of symptoms

I was taken of my drugs for graves as my red blood count was going down and my i...
Anioveractive profile image

Test results, any advice?

Hi all! I'm new here but this site came highly recommended. I'm really just sta...
emmar2009 profile image

New set of results - help please x

Hi, I posted a week ago about my TSH level and the GPs quaint description of my ...
anne23 profile image


Hi all Diagnosed hyper @21 then later had radioactive iodine. Killed it off. ...
Bears010 profile image

I really need some advice please.

Hi, This is the best site im so glad I found it, its full of information and...
earthmutha profile image

Got my results today, any good?

Got my results today Have a look at my previous test results from my older po...
Waynester profile image

Im sooooo angry, im jumping and spitting, long blogg please read x

I find myself in a dilema and not being treated for hypothyroidism hashi or grav...
merissa profile image

What is the best times for me to take levothyroxine and liothyronine given that I can't take them two hours before eating in the morning?

Hi, I recently joined your club. I have read many times that thyroid meds sho...
dizzy864 profile image

Why have I no T3 level in my blood results? I just have a T4 level which is 15.5. How do I know if my T4 is being converted to T3?

Are there any key symptoms to look out for in T3 deficiency?
Galapagos profile image

Wrote to my MP about cost of T3 in Crete and he replied

Following my recent blog to say I had bought T3 in Crete for 1.20 euro a box of ...
sheila747 profile image

Ferrtitin question

my ferritin was 13 (10-211) i was described ferritin fumerate 2x 210mg a day...
lare73 profile image

Palpitations, Low Pulse rate and an Arrhythmia

Has anyone had palpitations, low pulse rate and an arrhythmia? I have been put ...
teyris profile image

Can other meds affect Levo?

I am taking Aspirin, Lisprinol and Bisoprol as well as Levothyroxine. Can they ...
teyris profile image

since my son had his thyroid removed 4 years ago they cannot get his tsh level right has anyone else had this problem.

he has been on very high doses of levo also on armor thyroid still high level wa...
nettie1 profile image

DHEA advice please

Hi there, wondering if anyone could offer advice regarding DHEA? I got my saliv...
Daisybean profile image

Anyone having difficulties in obtaining 50mcg/100mcg Eltroxin?

Just been to pharmacy to collect my prescription and they advise me that the man...
norwood1 profile image

after total thyroidectomy what is the usual dose of levo

Tatty10 profile image

what's causing palpitations when on t3 only & how is inability to convert discovered?

I was moved from NDT to Cynomel late December 2012 having been told I can't conv...

Anyone on variable doses of NDT?

Hi everyone - I'm having trouble getting my dose of Armour optimal. I was on 2....
Clarebear profile image

Folate, zinc, Vitamin D

I've got a printout of my latest blood tests done at the end of May. I know the ...
Jane104 profile image

tired of being tired

I have been in thyroxine for the last 10 years taking .50 mg and for the last 3 ...
saeema0k profile image

New to the site, very excited reading everyones posts

Hi, I'm Adam. 28 and diagnosed with Graves disease with the lovely Hyperthyroidi...
adamskylark profile image

Any advice on memory problems?

I used to have a good memory. Remember the little things, remember things I've a...
adamskylark profile image

Throat sensation unable to swallow (not eating)

This is quite worrying. I have started having a sensation of either throat getti...
storm profile image