I find myself in a dilema and not being treated for hypothyroidism hashi or graves. ( MY history)
In the year 2010 I was bitten by a tick, before then I ended up at the gp for weight gain, brainfogg, facial hair and missed periods and exhaustion, was told TSH normal and probably depression/ anxiety as this has been my past record, ( not anymore)
I carried on refused depressant meds because i didnt feel depressed, In August 2010 I developed right flank pain, that would come and go, as well as water infections was sent to consult with the gastro doc who sent me to the gyni nothing found diagnosed with IBS.
whilst waiting for the gastro appointment I had a chest injury and was diagnosed with chostrochonturitus, no xray just examination, the gyni still wanted to persue with futher investigation so did the gastro, to make sure my symptoms were not pathology related.
nothing found was diagnosed with acid reflux and indigestion ( i dont have heart burn or acid in fact I have low acid.
I continued having symptoms I went bact to the docs and diagnosed perimenapouse, by this time I kept getting respitory issues, missed heart beat losing weight. Doc ran a ecg and it was showing abnormality was sent to hospital, blood pressure high then low anyway I was found to have small amout of fluid around the heart and was told a angiagram would be a good option ( stilll had symptoms) months went buy weight loss allergies, intolerant ot chemicals, kept jumping at the slightest noise
paid private to see ENT consultant as I could not possibly go back to the gp with another symptom, he conducted a nasal endoscopy, without my concent, he put numbing cream up my nose and i thought it was spray to clear my sinuses ( did get my money back) later that eve my nose and throat was torture burning, hypersensitive and swollen nasl passage ( sinuses still present) I perservered and said nothing.
I had angiagram and that went wrong I lost a huge amount of blood ( caused low iron)
Still having symptons, went to see a chiropracticor who knackered my ear argghhhh she felt I had a old compressed fracture on my spine, which showed on xray.
My weight was still dropping regardless of what I ate felt like i was being choked and my neck would swell, then I was exhausted, muscle pain, hair loss eye issues and so on.
Gp sent me to hospitol for them to find out why I was loosing weight, they felt a babarium swallow should be done, even though I insisted I did not have swollowing issues then I was sent home, arghhhhhhh,
went back to gp as instructed by hospitol, to check bones and muscles, back to the rhumi who diagnosed fybromyalgia, The ent did a mri of my ear as I had hearing loss and tinitus ( then discharged arghhh) said he would send for me a year ago.
I sent for private blood test showing tsh high normal and high thyrroglobulin antibodies and avised to see gp, gp didnt have a clue wouldnt send me to endo, I paid private and was diagnosed with autoimmune thyroid low vitamin D and iron and he asked gp to trial elroxin, she wouldnt, so I paid to seek nhs endo, who was furious I went private ( had no choice) I also had cortisol results that show high cortisol all day and elevated DHEA.
my liver was also elevated, gp ignored, started on eltron 25mcg after a year to get it, it made me worse, my blood test showed hyperthyroism ( still no medication) I was left to sink, under my ear and down my neck had become issues gp ignored ( no more test arghh is it me, or was she the one who sent me for test and wasnt it consultants that wanted futher test for reassurance,
still flicking hypo hyper thyroglobulin antibodies trebled, now intermittand stabbing pains in my head arms and legs, i cant comb my hair even my finger tips scream ( lol) thorugh this site I became more knowledgable, back to the gp, she asked me to go and see a srink many times, I refused, in the end I went, I was confident enough, he was going to see that I had unreloved issues, but oww no, diagnosed me with health anxiety and told my gp not to send me for any more test, as you all can imagine my horror, I did write to him and later he replied in a positive manner,
by this time I gave up, I give up fighting and my man friend had died and I had to stay strong for the wife. I still getting symtoms missed heart beat sugar cravings, left neck pain even my veins scream intermittant, now my bones have started to crunch and grind.
I paid again to see a great endo who has instructed gp to trial me on t3 when iron has normalised. phew nearly there.
took a month went to gp this morning and told her about my hyper and hypo and bone pain intermittant atabbing head pain, breathlessness, and neraly fainting episodes. I was ignored, was told my MRI scan of ear was normal ( this was before I had symptoms) I asked would they have looked at my neck, ow yes she said, some of your issues are fybromyalgia!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She said lets wait till you have more blood test> ( what the hell) what a f........ journey sorry, I dont normally swear, Im fuming, still lump under my ear, intermittant hypo and hyper and left ( blood test suggest hypo 6 . something. Here I am typing and I am so angry, I am sorry to rant its stinks, any suggestions, having to sell my car for money for a scan on my bones and under my ear.
I have missed bits out , we are now in 2013 and I am becoming really angry now. Happy reading
love Merissa xxxx hope it make sence my case got snow balled through no fault of my own. offered tons of pain meds.