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Thyroid UK

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All posts for November 2015

Some advice needed if possible?

Hi everyone.. I just wanted to mine you for info again.. I hope thats ok? Brie...
TEGS profile image

Raised TSH 4 weeks pregnant

Hello All I'll try to keep this short. I have had two miscarriages this year fol...
Corndog profile image

really good adrenal (cortex) supplement?

Sorry if this has already been discussed: I would like to know if anyone can re...
Hidden profile image
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Best thermometer to use

Hi everyone Could you please advise the best thermometer to buy to check temper...
Nickster profile image

Help with my early morning cortisol test

Hi I posted a message a couple of days ago about my problems, I had my Rheumy ap...
csavery profile image

Still doing well on new thiroyd plus new blood test

Here are a few of my tests results ,i will not write them all . serum ferritin n...
Sue1947 profile image


I keep seeing magnesium mentioned to help with sleep. But wi it upset my thyroxi...
Clairwellock profile image

Purpose of taking thyroid medicine and best blood test times?

Are there any "official" documents anywhere stating the purpose of taking thyroi...

I have signs of hypo but I'm not sure - on Carbi

Hello, I've been taken Carbi 20mg for the past 3 months for an over-active thyro...
Nathalie70 profile image

T3 /t4

Hi can I just ask it a t3 / t4 combination only used for people that are having ...

Synacthen test

Hi all, just wonder if anyone who has had a synacthen test has had a positive r...
Linseyd76 profile image

My Virgin cod liver oil delivered today.

Got 150ml of this from Rosita directly. I had no problem in just taking a teasp...
langdocienne profile image

Cyclizine withdrawal

I've been on cyclizine for over 4 years but my Endo consultant wants me to stop ...
Mitsy123 profile image


I am confused as to why my GP has told me to stop taking B12... was diagnosed as...
haras profile image

IMPORTANT petition

Hi this needs a hand, I myself take LDN and NDT and have many conditions, I do a...
MaryF profile image

Serenity and 20 - 1 natural hormone cream

Does anybody have experience of either of these two natural hormone creams for m...
dwsmith profile image

MercuryPharma Liothyronine / Tertroxin Costs

Do you know how much Amdipharm/MercuryPharma charge for their 20 microgram Lioth...
helvella profile image

Sleep deprivation

Just wondering whether this is just part and parcel or whether it just affects a...
Jodypody profile image

thyroid disfunction

I was recently on an unrelated course with doctor Isabella herself whilst in the...

T3 stopped due to cost: where to buy privately? and why is NHS being charged so high a price? does this need investigating?

Like joesmum in her recent post, I've just heard that it's likely that my T3 is ...
Dee1 profile image

Gluten Sensitivity!! Makes LOTS of Sense, Def worth A read :)
Crlnfly profile image

Undiagnosed as yet but getting more symptoms.

So far my blood results have been mainly within range one below ft4 and increasi...
Mandy123321 profile image

My 3 months Treatment Summary and Latest Tests

Hi Friends ... I started my membership when I started my levothyroxine, It has ...
Ali1101 profile image

Symptoms Getting Worse

I am so frustrated and don't know what to do. I was diagnosed as B12 deficient ...

Thyroid function test and pets.

I have received a copy of the letter that the specialty doctor sent to the ENT s...
Rosie2-2 profile image

Told by ENDO that my borough has been told not to prescribe T3 anymore because of cost.....

I am lucky because my GP practice is in a different borough so I'm safe for now....
Hidden profile image


I have just had my thyroid checked and it's boarder line but I need A Eat now I ...
larry52 profile image

Possible secondary hypothyroidism?

Could I have some opinions on my blood results please? Does the FT4 seem too low...

Any information will be much appreciated x

Hi everyone I'm new here and new to all this thyroid stuff, March this year a la...
Mols94 profile image

thyroid advice please

hi I'm new to the community but have been ill for a few years I was diagnosed wi...