Sorry if this has already been discussed:
I would like to know if anyone can recommend a really good product for adrenal fatigue?
I have read so much about this...some recommend adrenal cortex extract (ACE) products only, to avoid additional adrenaline, while others say that, once the adrenal fatigue is severe enough, ACE alone won't be enough, but you will need whole glandulars...
As far as I have been able to ascertain, there is only one product containing porcine adreanal (Adrenotrophic). The rest of the products on the market all seem to contain bovine adrenal/ACE. I don't know if porcine adrenal is considered closer to human body chemistry, just like porcine NDT is said to be closer to human body chemistry than thyroid hormone from other animals, such as cows or sheep...?
Has anyone taken a really good OTC product, either ACE or whole adrenal? I read that the recommended substitution for Isocort is SR Adrenal but, unlike Isocort, SR contains whole several adaptogens. If anyone has tried SR, I'd be really interested in an honest review (that goes for all adrenal supplements, ACE or whole adrenal).