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Thyroid UK

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All posts for February 2014

Adrenal Support

Anyone started taking nutri-adrenal support without coming off thyroid meds. I w...

Ferrtin at 5!!!!!!!

My thyroid tests are grand at the most, but my ferrtin keeps dropping was 5.7 de...
redcatstar profile image

How long does carbimazole ,and propanol take to relieve symptoms of Graves?my 18 ur old son suffering from severe fatigue,itching,brain fog

And dizziness.Been on treatment for 4 weeks..following blood test to determine l...
claira profile image
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Hi, I have just had a TPO Ab test done and the level was 11.3. Could anyone tell me if this is normal? I haven't been able to find the range

Zxspectrum profile image

Pain between Shoulders ?

Anyone experience this from this wonderful thyroid cancer disease?
stevehat profile image

Great no BS blog post on how to deal with Thyroid Cancer.
Clutter profile image

Can someone please comment on my recent blood results.

Currently taking 100mcg/125mcg levo alternately Just got my blood results yeste...
lucylocks profile image

Hospital tests results

I always get my results from my GP printed off but how do I get hospital blood t...
Maggiet profile image

Hi. Has anyone else experienced very low defence against digestive infections - possibly linked to low stomach acid?

I have what seems to be an incredibly low defence against digestive infections a...
Scooterguy profile image

i feel that I have to share an astounding happening with all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

to start my lady has been treated for ' thyroid eye disease ' for the past 9-10 ...
alangardner profile image

0n thyroxine tsh and free t4 levels went up so thyroxine increased why would this be I running 3miles one day swimming 40 lengths next

It was rheumatologist who requested go to stArt on thyroxine started in25mcg for...
pursey profile image

Gluten free - Sally's sizzling sausages - try saying that three times very fast!!!!!

Hi all, Another website that might interest all those that are gluten free. Un...
Moggie profile image

Hi everyone, can you advise me on ferritin levels?

Still undiagnosed, but have all symptoms of hypo thyroid. When I first became il...
Schoolhouse profile image

Finally an endo who listens!

Hi everybody just thought I would give some hope to people who are suffering fro...
shezaroo123 profile image

Should I take my levothyroxine the night before my blood tests?

I am post RAI, given a script of levothyroxine to take nightly. I am booked into...
BillieSt profile image

How do I raise my T4 level, my tsh is below one but T4 is always around 14. I'm on 150 mcg thyroxine. Many thanks if anyone can advice me.

Butterfly_79 profile image

Feeling I cannot cope!

Hi - I originally posted a message titled 'Bad News' re dosage of Levo. Now I h...
cyfrin profile image

Flakey, itchy scalp with hypothyroidism.

Can anyone help with a treatment for this distressing condition. I'm on levo 12...
Flowers2 profile image

(Just for fun) - Blood Tests and how to interpret them (or not)

I had an idea my TSH might have risen as I have thyroid type symptoms again and ...
rosetrees profile image


I deleted my last post as I didn't feel I was explaining myself very clearly so ...
Hidden profile image

Still have insomnia despite my blood tests improving slowly. Driving me crazy now. Still feel very shaky.

Have been refered to see endo. Will see go on Monday to my gp . this is ruining...
Hidden profile image

How is this type of jump in medication likely to affect me?

Hello. I'm a newbie and was hoping for some advice. I suffered from Graves and ...
pinkred profile image

Does anybody take multivitamins with their levothyroxine?

Just started taking multivitamins in the morning with my levo because due to bei...
jodes9709 profile image

Insulin suppression test and PLENADREN??

Is anyone on plenadren? Or has anyone ever heard of it?!! Also how many people h...
Hidden profile image

Strange experience

Had a not so nice experience last night and wondered if anyone has experienced s...
Tweetypie28 profile image

Chronic kidney disease stage 3

Hi everyone I'm a bit confused as usual (lol). I went back through my paper wor...
Tweetypie28 profile image

Acid reflux, Shoulder Pain since increase of Levothyroxine from 50 to 75mg.

I have had my Thyroxine dose increased by my specialist from 50 to 75mg. However...
Hidden profile image

Forgot dose 3 days before blood test

I forgot to take my 125mg levothyroxine dose 3 days before I have a blood test f...
Pollydolly profile image

how much anyone expect to increase in ft3 when on 75mcg levothyroxine hen optimal..and 75mcg is a big dose or not?

rai44 profile image

Please could somebody help me decipher my blood results.

I was diagnosed with Hashimotos in 2011 and I now take 75mg of Thyroxine and 40m...
pkay profile image