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Thyroid UK

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All posts for February 2014

does increase of Thyronorm from 25 to 75 have adverse effect as acute pain in back side of ribs? earlier TSH was high

when dose was increased from 25 to 75 TSH came back to normal in 35 days
hemantmehta profile image

Mucus. How are you with it?

I've found since my thyroid removal op, my mucus levels vary in tune with my thy...
real_mission profile image

New member

Hi im new to site, have had thyroid issue since 2008and just taken levothyroxine...
bridgheath profile image
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Why am I hyper with an underactive Thyroid?

Hello everyone, Really down in the dumps and would appreciate any helpful advic...

Monster difference in TSH. Any comments or advice?

I had new blood test results this week and I've just brought up a set of results...
mumcat2 profile image

Can anyone reccommend an up to date endo in south wales area.?

A vitamin and mineral check would be hepful as something is deffo not right with...
nezzykins profile image

My Dr wants to see me.

I still cant lose weight and my hair is falling out and I have all the horrible ...
Myrna profile image

How much TSH fluctuation is normal?

Hi, I was wondering if anyone could possibly advise or share their experience......

I want to stop taking levothryoxin as I am feeling so awful should I wait to see endo before doing this, is it safe to stop ?

or is there other reasons for it? I get my blood result back on monday but am fe...
Amandajl profile image

How much T3 after a thyroidectomy

I had my thyroid removed 10 years ago due to cancer. I am now reasonably steady...
Margo profile image

Not seeing my replies to the post DHEA, I have successfully created 3 replies but they're not appearing. Is there a glitch?

Hidden profile image

To T4 or not to T4 that is the question?

So you lovely people I am having my T3 tested next week and was wondering should...
Shazy-B profile image

To T4 or not to T4 that is the question?

So you lovely people I am having my T3 tested next week and was wondering should...
Shazy-B profile image

Ovarian cysts & adenomyosis link to underactive thyroid

I had an ultra sound yesterday and it showed up 2 cysts along with possible aden...
norwood1 profile image

My thyroid levels are all out of normal range, yet my basal temperature every morning I wake up reads normal. Anyone know why this is? Am c

sallypg profile image

Does exercise help the thyroid ?

Does high intensity, and weight training have any effect in helping Hypothyroid ...
Bigsi profile image

Anyone taking Thyro Gold? Gathering my research to face Doc next week. What about Lugols iodine?

Got Docs appointment next Tuesday. Already been told TSH normal etc. I feel worn...
sheenah profile image

More blood test results

Just picked up some more test results Ferritin has dropped from 34 to 28 (10-420...
HarryE profile image

Hello, I am 7 days post right thyroid lobectomy, 3 days ago I developed a dry thickly cough, can anyone tell me if this is normal? Thanks

Simone profile image

So Happy Eltroxin is Working

Was diagnosed with hypothyroidism in early Dec and put on 0.5 mg Eltroxin. Am fo...
Perine profile image

what shall I do

yesterday when i walked my dogs on the beach It was a real struggle and felt the...
anbuma profile image

what are the psychtric symptoms patient have faced like paranoia or delsuion ?anyone have history of mental illness?

rai44 profile image

Taking full t3 dose all at once

Someone here recommended it and I can't find the post now. I tried it this morn...

Hi. Is it possible to be treated for hypothyroidism and have normal results but still have symptoms?

Red77 profile image

Over-the-Counter Drug-Induced Thyroid Disorders

We see a lot of people asking about taking iodine in various forms. Sometimes th...
helvella profile image

Hi was diagnosed with Graves disease last week and was wondering if anyone knows over what sort of time period this usually takes to develop

Thanks in advance. Any tips for explaining to family and friends what Graves is ...
Hidden profile image

ANYONE CLAIM PIP FOR hypothyroid and b12 diffency also ibs.

Hi i just wanted to know if anyone as tried to claim pip with these problems or ...
antonia26 profile image

slow pulse

for 2 weeks now my pulse has been ranging 50-60 with shortness of breath dr not ...
mandy72 profile image

Some Good News!

Thanks to the advice given by members of this forum went back to my GP - well ac...
korkykat profile image

Lab results - or not?

In a letter from my endo this morning (the copy sent to my GP, not to me) I have...
mumcat2 profile image