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Thyroid UK

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All posts for January 2014

Ugh, heartburn!

Going on 14ish hours of heartburn now, more annoying than agonising. Took the d...

Just had my tsh results back and even though I've had an increase of meds from 50 to 75mg every other day , the rate has increased.

Does anyone know why this might happen ??thanks
Ward17 profile image

Hi does anyone with thyroid troubles have severe anxiety problems

Amyk77 profile image
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well that was a waste of time

just seen endo seems ive been cured and dont need medication tsh6 he said slight...
mandy72 profile image

Swelling - lips and hands?

Some mornings I wake up and my lips and my hands are a bit swollen. At first I t...
chihiro profile image

Does anyone have problems with body temperature regulation?

My body lately seems to have kind of lost it when it comes to regulating tempera...
chihiro profile image

If my son stays with me after radioactive treatment for o/active thyroid, will it affect me as I have had radiotherapy for breast cancer?

I also take blood pressure tablets and have had my Aortic Artery replaced due to...
sandraB2 profile image

How Long Should wait after taking t3 for test?

Hi All, on 23rd of december i had my free t3 tested, it was FREE T3 6.3 [3.1-6.8...
mlc2009 profile image

Am I imagining that a change of thyroxine brand (at same dose/ time of day) is more effective or does it's efficacy accumulate over time?

Eurasian-Babe profile image

Can I self-treat? If so, how?

As I've just said on another post about finding out today that Dr Downing is no ...
CarolineC57 profile image

Dr Downing no longer practicing in York - York clinic closed :-(

After my GPs surgery phoned today to cancel my appointment (I think my doctor ma...
CarolineC57 profile image

Missing eyebrows

Help I've had mine tattooed at great expense and pain 5 times but it only lasts ...
bossbird profile image

More incentives for GP's for diabetes

Pulse article today. ...
Moggie profile image

Latest bloods on armour - still feeling symptomatic even tho being told normal?

I had a total thyroidectomy in 2010 following severe graves thyrotoxicosis. My l...
JemimahR profile image

The Living Matrix

There is a DVD called "The Living Matrix" which I have recently bought. It is ab...
ellarose1234 profile image

Please would someone explain why some need to take T4 as well as T3?

I thought T4 needed to convert to T3 anyway for it to be any use. So why take T4...
Everdean profile image

Greetings everyone, I hv hypothyroidism & I'll be requesting a lab soon to find out what I'm deficient in, what shld I ask they check for?

ccontr53 profile image

Imhaving thyroidectomy left hemi and thoracotmy left in 1wks due to large retrosternal multinodular non toxic goiter. Also bad asthmatic

i have heard that the pain after the thoracotomy is really bad unlike the thyroi...
sued007 profile image

Recent hypo diagnosis

I was diagnosed under active thyroid last Tuesday having felt ill for a while bu...
MColc profile image

Can antidepressants suppress some of the symptoms of hyperthyroidism?

Hhossack profile image

Feeling fed up of not feeling well and being told it's depression.

Hi, February last year (2013) I was suffering with a lot of anxiety, sleepless n...
Hhossack profile image

started T3 10 days ago

I am self medicating and stopped taking levo, I am taking 37mcg early morning an...
susie59 profile image

Hi I was diagnosed with hypothroidism on Christmas Eve after blood tests. My symptoms are tiredness joint pain numbness in left arm and leg

Dizziness to name a few. GP rang me as soon as blood tests came back to see him ...
Sue777 profile image

Any anti-depressant conducive with thyroid problems?

Recently discovering that my long term (20 years) use of anti-depressants, ie: s...
cc120 profile image

Can nutri thyroid be as effective as synthetic / natural desiccated thyroid?

As I am still not diagnosed as hypothyroid, unless I am will be taking nutri-thy...
cc120 profile image

I have underactive thyroid and really struggling to loose weights!

I'm 20 years old. Before I had under active thyroid I had all the common symptom...
Dizzieejinxx profile image

Has anyone seen Dr Paul Jenkins in London?

My friend who has Hashimoto's is thinking of seeing Dr Jenkins at the London End...
Jow11 profile image

Hi there, can anyone tell me if Dr D-P does any clinics in Scotland, and the best way to self refer. Thanks aml

s24annmarie profile image

Taking medication since May 2013 and still don´t feel any better!

I was diagnosed with an under active thyroid in May (I was 47 at the time) after...
Bristol1965 profile image

Dental woes

Currently having dental treatment to remove a large number of mercury filled ama...
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